Angelo Barovier

Right? I get that they were going for rugged determination and everything (also harkened back to Elektra trying to climb 'the wall' in Marvel's lore, and it's not a new concept) but losing feeling in your fingers (and eventually hands) ain't a great way to freehand climb.

If spoken aloud, I would have used the exact same delivery. Because Fillion.

At least Thea didn't get fridged. Ollie did. Kinda. But not really. But it sure was nippy out when he died.

In George Lucas' world, Ollie goes:

Really liked the ep. but that kept pulling me out of it.

And Mack. And given her refusal to leave the opening, probably May. And Raina (although not exactly part of the plan).

It happens to the best of us (and also to me). However, your instant admission of error makes you a champ, IMO. Cheers!

Same. I was really enjoying Cupid's zingers. They were corny (on purpose) but the line delivery was amusing as hell. "It goes BOOM!"

Apparently, so is recognizing obvious sarcasm.

Or the movie Executive Decision. :P

On the plus side, someone (and we know who) had the field op designation of "Timelord" during the comm station mission.

Yep. I think the misdirection is great. Can't rely on star power to determine a character's lifespan. Sure, you're going to get some finger-wagglers but, pssh, you get those anyway. Might as well get 'em in service of the story.

Agents of SHIELD producers: "And in this scene, Ward enters the family mansion, his unsuspecting parents bewildered at his brother's bloody—"

Olivia Williams could play the ticket agent in a bus station and I would watch those 15 seconds with rapt attention.


Psychopath with a hero complex goes back home and murders his family? I'm surprised that made it past the network handlers.

It hasn't always been modern. B:TAS is a valid entry as a major Bat-work and it was decidedly mixed in setting, a 50s aesthetic with more modern tech.

"Let's get a dog!"

I confess to missing the reference.

Yerp. A. It was pre-coffee. B. Didn't feel like a particularly friendly joke. YMMV.