Angelo Barovier

I'll start typing up your commendation.

Cool, now that we've covered the circumstantial nature of people's lives which can exist outside the norm (I may have been unsupervised until later in the evening, or that we might have owned a VCR, or that these shows weren't only on in primetime everywhere on the planet) let's move on, shall we?

Would you like a full rundown of my youth, including the countries lived in, my mother's schedule (weren't no Dad), and the broadcast schedule? Or can we talk about the 80s vibe in the scene?

It was very The Long Kiss Goodnight, too. Which is where Nick Fury began his training.

"It's silly to think everyone has the same definition of a word with a few differing definitions."

Also more Roxxon, which is apparently undergoing restructuring. See: newspaper which Ward is reading with front page articles.

Anyone else get an 80s (A-Team, Scarecrow & Mrs King, Remington Steele, etc.) vibe in the van scene with Bobbi and Hunter bickering? Or am I the only old guy who was a latchkey kid around here?

Is this a softball set-up for a PotC reference?

You leave Rosenberg out of this. She's been through enough already. You monster.

I don't care if he flips to the side of Parcheesi, John Noble on a successful show is an absolute must have. Here is my deeply researched and complex reasoning:


That'll do, cat. That'll do.

"I always viewed the top tier members of Batman's rogues gallery as symptoms of Batman's existence. Without Batman most of them wouldn't be what they are."

I just wish they'd use some symbolism for Selina Kyle.

And I'm saying he isn't. He seems to be played with a fucked up sense of right and wrong, loyalty and honour, and misplaced compassion and rage. I think he's delightfully perverse and not the least bit homosexual.

Why did you bring up Moira? You asshole.

Some things don't need saying.

Listen, Captain Reynolds, could you not bring up that correction every goram time someone talks about an albatross? We get it. You read a poem.

They erode our liberties day by day. No pommel horse in every town square.

Wait? There isn't a pommel horse in every town square?