Angelo Barovier

Dakota Fanning is not a human. She is a 1400-year old alien cosplaying as a human simply out of boredom with the humdrum of interdimensional travel.

I think I would require the same warnings/recaps. That being said, good on those people involved. They're doing fine work.

Here's your pipe. Go ahead and dream.

Please don't mention that show. I've only watched YouTube clips and it is just a well of soul-scarring, tear-jerking content which cuts into my otherwise stone heart.

Just so long as we don't revive Gymkata.

We're all very proud of you.

Sounds suspiciously like you're commenting on my tastes and casting them in a negative light, instead simply stating your own, perfectly valid taste.

She is also a very talented actor. I hope Raina sticks around because her presence is of benefit to the show.

Collection of Aligned Malice? Organization of Entirely Unyummy Operations?

Raina is, for me, the intriguing character. Of all their foes, she's my favourite. If we stick with the Alias theme (and why not? I loved that show) she's my Julian Sark. She's ultimately loyal only to herself and she plays all sides.

I think they have several top departments. The Department of World Domination and the Department of World Annihilation are two of them. Whitehall is the head of the DoWA.

He doesn't want to murder us. Don't be preposterous.

Romanov would (in as private a circumstance as possible). But I always had the impression those two were one step away from being partners. Also, Romanov would accept a "No." from Fury after pressing for more info.

Logical? No. Gratuitously awesome? Yes. Glass half-full, for me.

Tala was Grodd's girlfriend when he was in charge and then helped betray him, putting Lex in charge. And then helped release him. Or something.

And the more recent JLU cartoon as a foil to Lex Luthor (along with regular villain duties).

I'm not jrrrunk, yew bashtred.

Pretty quick!

That would be my #1 takeaway from this (admittedly tighter, more enjoyable) episode. That and the chief's line delivery of "Yeah, that's great idea … but no."

At least you've bloomed. I'm still a locker-sized twerp. I just have grey hair, now.