Angelo Barovier

I'm off to put that on a t-shirt! *grabs fedora* And away!

This isn't like 'Cover of the Rolling Stone', is it? Dr. Hook, why have you forsaken us?

It's all clearly a false flag operation by the jocks and journalism students who grew up to be sickened by gaming's increasing acceptance. They created this mess so that the general public would start to disparage us again. And who is a journalism student? Anita Sarkeesian! And she once competed in an intramural track

And Mork. Nanu-nanu.

Upvoted all of you because I am a ruiner of things.

I blame Quinn, Sarkeesian, and, um, Stan from maintenance. Collusion!

It was your fault for being locker-sized. You were asking for it.


Oh? Ohhh! Oh. Well, that changes everything. *hides baseball bat behind back*

Well, at least he'll feel good about himself before the beating starts. So, there's that.

Your name proves this to be untrue. Ha-ha! Winning!

Timothy Olympic Elephant?

Um, they said I could have your bunk because you were probably gone for good. So … this is awkward.

Depends on how many arrows you have because I can't count very high.

I'll take Untossed Dwarves in Barrels for 500, Alex.

Is that a compliment or a signal to your gang of underlings?

What the hell? Why didn't someone tell me that 3 years ago? All this goddamn time…!

Yes, but are any of those movies not rated PG-13? I don't think so, hombre!

Trainspotting to Lebowski via sewage. I can dig it, man.

So, apparently even in drug-fuelled alcoholic rages he still stops short of actual violence? Well, that's a plus, I guess.