Angelo Barovier

I did hear that there were significant departures in both, Wanted more so than Kick-Ass, so I'm sure it accounts for a difference in enjoyment. Wanted was more mystical than magical — kind of like the pseudo-mysticism of kung-fu flicks with Deadly Palm Touch type things, and not a whole lot of Harry Potter-ing with

Well, I think you've spoiled it for me and I don't think that's a bad thing. Because: ewww!

Y'know, I've always wondered why Millar incurs the wrath of so many. I stopped reading comics around the time he began to become 'a thing' and subsequently enjoyed adaptations of his work (Kick Ass, Wanted). However:

On the plus side, if it turns out he is corpsefied, your life works out.

Yes, please. I think Mama May would be a lovely, caustic presence. Her disapproving-but-understanding-mother face is sublime.

Actually, he wakes up to find the human race otherwise dead but has companionship in the android boy from A.I. They play chess. A lot.

And a panel in the ship's engine room.

He really chose the right prison top, though. Man has style.

Yeah, um, no. Doesn't qualify. Would you like to go for double jeopardy where the scores can really change?

Championship Vinyl is the greatest vinyl store in the history of comments about vinyl stores made on AV Club.

"Cha-ching?" or "I like to write stuff?"

I certainly think there were better ways to utilize her and still get what they wanted. For instance, I would've had her in a kick-ass caper in episode 1 so everyone bought into her and the chatter about season 2 stayed focused on her.

My sympathies.

Because it would ruin the "Awww…" moment when we find out that the reason he is good with Fitz is because Mac took care of his grandfather's best friend, Peggy Carter, in her last stages of Alzheimer's.

So you didn't like my Natural Born Fimmons story. Well, fine, but you don't have to be such a dick about it.

She lives on the moons of Iego and is one of the most beautiful creatures in the universe?

You got something against Emma Thompson? Ignore the tranquilizer gun in my hand (it's for protection against, um, bears and stuff) and just answer the question.

Sounds like a regular Thursday night at the wharf, to me. Don't be so prissy. It happens all the time and they take it like men. Manly, fishy-smelling, turtleneck-wearing men.

I don't think she's all that bad but I'll grant you this: it's hard to buy her 'street-smarts' when she looks like she spends an hour in front of the mirror every morning with the finest make-up money can buy (or 'Cat' can steal). And she's got photo-shoot hair.

C+ vs C vs C-? The minuses are made up