Angelo Barovier

If you haven't already, give Stone a shot. It's a 2010 movie where he plays a young Robert De Niro. While the film is certainly arty, without standard Hollywood narrative, even if that's not your speed, it's worth the look at Gjokaj doing is great De Niro.

Who knows? It could be a platform for a major character. From what's described, it's — forgive me — a blank slate of an SSR operative which they could — forgive me again — imprint any other known character/personality that they want.

Hurray for Enver! That man needs more work, more exposure, and more appreciation.

The past is a funny thing.

It could have been saved by Dr. Phil but the timeline didn't work out.

"I was racist before there were hipsters." - the Gentleman from Louisiana, Representative David Duke.

Actually, they do exist. They're just not big news, are usually local, or are run in or near larger events.

Alternate article title:
How To Start a Fight at a Final Fantasy Convention.

So, Lone Star State? Could you even try to be outside the box? Like even something without 'Lone' in the title?

Well, Guardians of the Galaxy again with a friend who hadn't seen it. And there was much rejoicing.

Wait, you thought I wasn't crying the entire time?

Well, that's something to put on the resume, I suppose. Or, maybe not. I'm a terrible career counsellor.

That took me a second. Which is much like my sex life.

Wait, do you have something against Dorito dust? You monster.

So, they're missing the SSHOLE?

The researcher or the vigilante?


I got a similar vibe, albeit more towards old Hollywood musical (yes, I know most were based on actual stage musicals) because Atherton exudes a certain old Hollywood aura — not a comment on his age, as plenty of age peers don't have that aura.

Personally, I see Professor Hathaway from Real Genius before any other roles. But I'm obsessed with that movie, so, there's that.

Is this true?