Angelo Barovier


That's a common misunderstanding. It's like getting coffee with cream instead of milk. Or cyanide. It's best to just laugh off these little social hiccups and—ACK!

*hides extra clamps and straps*

You're right. We liked a stupid thing and we should be ashamed. Thank you for the heads up.

Hey, he sided with her against Datak. That's got to be worth at least 7 minutes. And a warm embrace.

"And Tommy there dangling off the end like an appendix. Continually getting screwed."

While I'm sure that's a danger and has been proven to be a tendency in psycho-social studies, this does nothing to change my assertion that firsthand experience trumps learning from a TV show.

"Fuck me for being honest."

Well, as much as I am all for art as an illuminating force, I'm going have to presume that actually working at a prison with real inmates probably affords a more realistic perspective than a fictionalized prison.

Our arbiter will allow it.

I believe the airborne 'infection' was part of the faultiness of the implant which otherwise is normally implanted via needle-thingie. Also, a simple incision safely shuts it down and prompts automatic detachment, so I don't find the tech so hard to control.

Can you hear me?

The Iceman cometh.

I guess he don't see lights a-flashin'.

Well, I preferred last week's episode but this week certainly had better Stahma scenes. Her arc (and by default, those associated with it) is really developing nicely. I hope it doesn't get mucked up because her power plays are delightfully wicked.

You forgot borrowing his bath slippers because, really, who does that?! Just reprehensible.

Ehnnn… I'm starting to think it was him after all.

Sorry! Dunno about the everyone else but you can pay me in After Eight wafers.

You owe everyone $20.

Tommy wasn't shot. He had a concussion. It has to be a trick.