Angelo Barovier

So, you're not a fan of cougar attacks, I take it?

Fry gives good scene. He's just that guy.

"Bunch of cowboys!" will always be read, in my head, by the sound of Peter Stormare in Armageddon. There is no other way for those words to be spoken.

I knew I should have watched all the way through the credits. But I really had to pee!

*They were

Can we throw Kate onto the team, too? Cuz I liked her.

I suppose 'Perception shapes reality' would be the nicest way to put it. Although I do struggle to be nice about such spurious justifications when they can simply say, "I don't like it" and move on.

Like Joshua Norton, I have not played the game or poured over material available online and the world feels just fine to me. The premise was sufficiently explained and we learn more of the backstory and the world around Defiance as each story is told.

You know, the creators/writers of Flashpoint are the type who would put that line in there as a nod to old Canadian TV. I'll ask them, as it well could have been exactly the reference you thought it was and I was oblivious to.

If it's any consolation, I looked it up and it was very faintly familiar. :(

Nah, sorry, man. I was talking about Flashpoint.

Oh, I think it was the decorum equivalent of kicking in the doors and entirely intentional on his part. Datak isn't exactly averse to being melodramatic.

I totally agree about Berlin. She seemed to be familiar enough about the Star Wars dynamic to be able to bend it to make a joke (like 'hot Chewbacca'). I'm betting she was raised on 'old' DVDs of it which she (or her family) clung to post-landfall.

I thought the very brief cut back to her was to introduce the motivation for the music and nothing else.

My alternate title for the episode: "Daddy Issues"

Given your screen name, I would happily grant it to you if I could. I'd even make sure you got the top suite in the best spa and (probably) ensure it was free of secret agents.

Helena has verbally denied doing any such thing. Isn't her word good enough for you?

Pack your bags. You're going on a trip to Cold Shoulder Mountain and we can't say when you'll be back.

Oh, kids! They do the darn'dest things!

…unless the future tech glasses enhance the wearer's peripheral vision.