Angelo Barovier

Jesus Gonzales Christo! I thought they'd made up those model numbers. The techno-minutia here is incredible.

Don't. You. Even….!

Her info was about Benjamin. Benjamin is in the building. Also, Delphine has spent enough time with Dyad to be appropriately paranoid.

I love that Mark and Gracie watched Helena's approach without flinching.

I half expect her to have a stylist team on standby at all times.

I got the impression their secrecy was (a) typical military protocol for advanced tech projects and (b) meant to avoid the brouhaha of a public ethical debate.

I love you Orphan Black but in the words of another show once produced in Canada, "If was Christmas every day then it wouldn't be Christmas."

Fave Ally/Donnie scene this episode:

Oh, yes! Their interaction this episode (dovetailing off of last episode), made me smile with delight. They seem to have the sort of natural rhythm which is ideal for a good detective partnership.

I'm going to go with any viewing of Old Boy after the first as the reigning champion of uncomfortable PDA/sexuality.

Human cloning was not illegal during Project LEDA's time.

While that's entirely possible I've seen that phone 'posture' too often in people in business and in entertainment. I suspect it originally had more to do with having the phone on speaker and holding it for the benefit of 'everyone else in the room.' It then becomes habit when they do things like leave messages.

Well, there you go!

Mr. Oswalt, is that you? I'm sure you can send a note via your agent and the show would be happy to have you. No need for this grassroots charade.

Were that to happen, I'd flail my arms and cheer like Kermit the Frog.

I had no idea!

Donnie: "Who are you being now?"

I believe Angie declare that Beth was her friend, too. In that regard, I sympathize with her motives.

Didn't we all just cheer when he verbally pounced before Vic was even fully in the room?

Me too. I threw my hands in the air and yelled at the screen, "You fucking people!" It was a genuine compliment, I assure you.