Angelo Barovier

It kinda feels like we're watching a theatre workshop where the actors are given loose circumstances for characters and they just improv it to see what works.

Well, as far as celeb fans go, I know we've got Orlando Jones, Wil Wheaton, Patton Oswalt, and Chloe Grace "Hit Girl" Moretz. Any one of them is welcome to pop on the season 3.

…and let's not forget how fantastic Lorne was for, like, ever. It's sad the actor passed because he was much loved by the fandom and, for me, became an integral part of the story.

They only pay her in food. Times are tough here in Canada.

I didn't even know she sang until I read this comment. A few YouTube vis later and I'm even more smitten.

"Hello, Paul," Mrs. S. said with a slight smile.

LOL @ "Siobhan style"! I love it.

Not to mention Old Boy.

The more I think about it, the more I think this is the best problem to have from the standpoint of good roles for women. Honestly, having this many fine performances of characters with their own agency and complexity (and some of them in the lead roles) is the best kind of complaint to have.

We have ramen noodles up here, too.

I, for one, am super-excited to see the scene with "Hello, Paul." Two words, as a greeting, which we all know is supposed to imply something but that Maria Doyle Kennedy can infuse with even greater portent than the average bear.

I'm still waiting for it to finally reach the peak and he just shakes his head uncontrollably, stammers, "I-I'm done. I'm just … I'm done," and walk away forever.

I'm pretty sure these days whenever anyone — like a store clerk — asks how his day is going, he just gets a vacant stare and wanders away.

And from Kira, the Little Angel.

Helen Shaver, actor-turned-director, has quietly been making some great television in the last decade or two. Her strength seems to be the quieter, more intimate moments. She's not fantastic at action but interpersonal stuff she generally hits homeruns.

Hadfield wasn't a sidekick. They were all his sidekicks.

Shhh! It's supposed to be a secret attack.

The Canadarm is flipping you the bird. Politely, but it's still the bird. Sorry.

That wouldn't surprise me at all. A lot of actors have to ACT(!) to be good. I'm sure she could sit in her office chair doing nothing but listening to some scenery-chewing and still steal the scene from 9 out of 10 actors.

Sounding pretty close to Big Daddy and Hit Girl, too.