Angelo Barovier

Det. Lance: "Hey, everybody. Sara and Nyssa are here. Happy Thanksgiving, ladies!"

She doesn't stack up to CCH's tenacity and gravitas but, hey, who really does? That woman is grossly under-appreciated by the glitterati. Sure, she doesn't have the range of a DDL or Streep but when she's in her comfort zone, she knocks it out of the park.

Actors and camera team aside, that's another tip of the hat to the fight coordinator and stunt team. On what's surely not a huge budget, they continue to put together some impressive action set pieces.

God's looking pretty sexy these days. And she's a lesbian. Very contemporary without being a hipster about it.

I don't know what you're talking about. Speak for yourself, not everyone else. I am not your puppet.

To be clear, regarding DBS, I'm saying there were as many similarities to the Magical Negro there as there is here, in this episode — ie, little to none.

It's too early in my dementia to process this. Can you make it an infographic?

No, no, it's good. Flesh out a synopsis and have it ready for review by Monday. If it passes muster, we'll break it down and fit it into the schedule.

Well, he certainly had a hand in the downfall of … Oh, fuck this. I can't go on. Not even in jest.

Your arguments have been sufficiently refuted by others. You, of course, don't think it has. I doubt you ever will.

Hey, you're welcome to not like it but to decide your opinion is accurate and fair is very Fox Newsy of you considering the generally positive response to the back end of the season from critics and viewers.

Yeah, no. The Magical Negro is also a character who is subsumed by their own 'powers', in that it harkens back to times when marginalizing African-Americans was a cultural norm, hence the use of 'negro'.

You're the very best kind of terrible person. I like you.

So, NOT Sex Machine?

Ward had some steel in his toes, too. Eventually.

Yes, it would have passed inspection because: Hydra.

*requisite half-hearted rimshot*

Yes, but we are not all Captain Douchebag and can see the link between Giger and "Hudson" in the Alien series.

His name was Robert Paulson.

Humour is funny that way.