Angelo Barovier

Ah, thanks for explaining the reference! Makes a lot of sense given how much the Whedons love musicals.

I also expected a head shot.

"Good shows have that type of character out servicing their agenda instead of towing the evil empire's party line."

Please make this a thing.

What?! People are digressing in a conversation? On the internet?! Quick, we must document this phenomenon because it simply never happens! ….especially on AVClub.

At least you can admit the error.

I think it depends on the drink service, really. Hydra does have an open bar. Just sayin'.

I shall now use "DLSID" as my shorthand for this. Also: Yes. And if I was going to liken the scene in AoS to anything, it would be to The Abyss, though the roles were reversed. Also: Aw, Kaylee.

I stand corrected, sir!

Oh, pish posh. The declaration of love in a situation of imminent demise is a time-honoured trope which existed long before Serenity. If you're gonna be a cynical internet citizen, at least fire close to the truth.

How do you know about Hydra's Pizza Mondays?! Who is leaking intel?

Nah, the chest hole was from Deathlok's Predator wrist gun thingie.

Shut up, Spike.

That's an oversimplification.

No, he's trying to rope us into his fate by using "let's" and "we" in his suggestions. Admiral Ackbar would have something to say here.

The creators have specifically said they wanted to create the aesthetic of generica. This doesn't mean they aren't showing evidence of Toronto onscreen. It just means that we're not going to see a lot of Tim Horton's and the CN Tower in every episode.

"That makes sense. It just seemed a little odd to me that they would refer to the US SC as 'The' Supreme Court if they were based in another country where there is also an SC. Pretty nit picky, but I'm always curious about how non-US productions cater to a US audience."

The shower scene prior to hanky-panky in the bed was cut due to time constraints.

Oh, you're so right! I'd love to see that as a webisode or something. And, of course, there would have to be some sort of non sequitur of a musical choice.

I've been batting around a Funny or Die pitch for a sketch with Torv and Maslany playing a duo hunting Torv and Maslany. Of course, hijinks, y'know, ensue.