Angelo Barovier

Staking out a location where you're reasonably sure something is up and hoping that something pops out is pretty much perfectly real-world detective work.

I'd go with the score from Breakfast at Tiffany's by Mancini, which includes bars from Moon River and has some upbeat jazzy classiness.

Who said it was on foot? I imagine a good citizen of Canada would stop for an apparently injured bride. One thump or slash and we've got Helena on wheels.

Having spent enough time in rural Ontario, it really isn't.

There's something for the resume!

Nah, that episode needed something … heartfelt. Y'know, a tearjerker moment or something. I got so bored of that episode I've never made it more than 30 minutes through.

Fair enough and, yes, Helena is now an emotional enigma for us now that we know she was just an instrument of other people's agenda. When she was just the crazy one who kills her fellow clones, though, she was a pretty villainous character.

I don't think the two are mutually exclusive.

Well, we all have our fetishes.

A fair point. Not sure it's gender-based, though. Could just be a question of vying for the father's affection, the same way a firstborn might respond to a new baby. She didn't seem too keen on adopted psycho son, either.

Oh, I think it mattered. It wasn't natural at all (as it was intended to be, per the writers) but there was still a distinct element of 'You're not one of us.' Something akin to the opposite of Gooble Gobble.

So, what we're saying is: a bad NYT [review] is often a feather in a show's cap.

It's not the camera system, per se. It's the time. Everyone on the clock and the time to shoot each scene is multiplied by the number of Tatiana's appearing in it. Also, more than one Tatiana means compositing. So, unless they make the show on iMovie, the accountants are busy.

No doubt. And she can give the deadface, too, like when Henrik waked away after their little chat. All the happy just drained away like a cup of yummy orange juice being poured down the drain.

I expect to see that on Tumblr within the next 12 hours, please. Edit in a Patented Baddass Head Tilt and you're golden.

Oh, I think Angry Ginger Girl already realizes it. She's just mustering up the courage to tell them all to go to Hell or — I'm hoping — help Helena slip her leash.

I hope/predict she will lay waste to everyone except Angry Ginger Girl.

He's not really just using it as an excuse. He said it very plainly: There's no place for me here; Alison needs me.

I thought she was menacing because she was unpredictable. Who knew when she'd fly off the rails or why? Hindsight, and all that, but on first watching, I don't think most of us could predict exactly how things would shake out.
