Angelo Barovier

It wasn't 'popping up' in there. It was playing on his stereo. Did you not see that beard?

I don't know what you're talking about. Also, out of mere curiosity, what's your IP address? Never mind, got right here.

So, Ash from Army of Darkness, then? I can dig it.

…while still chomping on the food.

The drumstick offering was sublime.

So, I wasn't the only one who twittered and cackled like some mad teenage witch over her first potion brew when they brought that plate of food in?

We don't have to dig back too far in history to find similar stories of survivors of major trauma, including bullet wounds, in the wilderness, who eventually are found barely alive or stumble back into civilization as such.

Hipster reviewers. Pssh. Fitting that it be NYT.

Not for me. Hugging Helena in the alleyway is still my fave Kira moment. Maybe she was playing off a better actress there than she was in this bedroom scene.

That's not how I read it. I read it as a spot chosen for murder IF he had to do it. The conversation was likely an effort to draw her further under his influence and avert the need to kill her. It was also a way for Frank to justify the murder to himself.

My pleasure. I only stumbled here recently because I'm utterly impatient for Season 2. April can't come fast enough.

Imagine the following conversation in communication. Medium is irrelevant.

…you forgot to mention, 22-25 episodes might cause irreparable harm to the psyche and general health of a certain young actress.

I know this is an 8-month old thread.

I'm going with: Batshit crazy.

My theory: She's the best villain because she's played by Tatiana Maslany. Now, if Mrs. S. goes Full Baddie (I hope not), I may be persuaded to give her the gold prize. Right now, though, it's a tough sell to be a better Big Bad than Helena.

Hrm. Sounds like an urban legend to me.

What is this 'sun' you speak of?

Yep, I remember when he was still the #1 choice of DD fanboys in the 80s. What a bunch of hopeful nerds they were. Silly nerds.

"We" don't need to, Pinky. Only I do. First hold this firecracker while I light it. Now, run that way as fast as you can. Get going!