Angelo Barovier

I'm going to go with: yes.

Sneakers is an excellent movie. Even though the tech in the movie is now outdated, the theme and the plot (and the storytelling in general) aged well. Too well, in fact.

Hrm, good point.

Hrm, good point.

So, a pre-shark shark?

So, a pre-shark shark?

That Sgt. will be Secretary of the Navy in 5 years.

That Sgt. will be Secretary of the Navy in 5 years.

Like bed bugs or curdled milk. Sometimes a hangnail but that's usually reserved for season finale, ehem, cliffhangers.

Like bed bugs or curdled milk. Sometimes a hangnail but that's usually reserved for season finale, ehem, cliffhangers.

"Can't we come up with something new? Something with substance over style?"

"Can't we come up with something new? Something with substance over style?"

You hate everyone who doesn't like what you like, don't you? I better go buy some Nickelback music so I can stay on your good side.

You hate everyone who doesn't like what you like, don't you? I better go buy some Nickelback music so I can stay on your good side.

Meanwhile, the Nation of Whedon will perform rituals of the dark arts with a FOX TV logo in the center of the pentagram. Nicholas Brandon may be sacrificed if Michelle Trachtenberg is unavailable.Also, there will be a Twitter party.

THIS is my big problem with the game. I love Star Wars and all it's moralistic, light versus dark struggle but I was always drawn to Han Solo and Boba Fett who, though they end up serving one side or the other, have their beginnings squarely in the middle.