
This does seem like quite a shotgun approach to a political statement, especially for the health editor.

For real though, why doesn’t he make his kids do all this stuff. It’s their water bottles! A preteen can surely wash and dry their own shit in the sink!!! JFC

ol quickdraw mc’spentoomuchtimeonthis over here

Sounds like your kids are going to have some pretty bad sunburns.

Omg I loved that show. I binged it over the weekend and now I wish there were more seasons.


That you can’t stay on-topic.

Because it sucks.

Translation: It’s for people who love money, not people who love cars.

“Don’t hate th-” SHUT THE FUUG UP, I hate who I wanna hate, it’s Sony whos actin like hot shit, and its them who need to be put in check.

That’s not to mention the environmental hazards those cars might be causing, leaking fuel and other hazardous materials into the ground.

He could save every last one of them by registering them. He wouldn’t even have to move them indoors at that point.

But what about muh freeeeeeeeeedom.

Yeah, that’s what I was thinking, the township sees a 74 year old man with 215 cars and realizes that’s going to be thousands of dollars of burdens to the other residents of the town.

Yeah, clearly a hoarder. Look at the junk in his garages. Some of these were great cars, but most of these dont look in great shape. not sure that there are enough people with the resources to fully restore these cars.

Agreed. Most of those old hulks are scrap value at best.

A car enthusiast like yourself may see no problem with this.

It’s like a pet hoarding situation, things just spiraled out of control and were left that way for more than a decade. If he hadn’t just stuck cars in a field for 15 years he wouldn’t have lost so many dollars and wouldn’t be in an ALL THINGS MUST GO scenario. I feel bad for him, but it’s not like he’s being

yeah sorry guy, re: $5000 cars for $500. that’s hoarder talk. if this guy was maintaining some of these cars - i.e. willys, 240z, then yes you could sell them for $5000. but right now you’re lucky if someone is taking your datsun off your hands for $500. it’s free money

I feel for the guy, but anyone looking to collect cars and let them sit like that should really have looked at zoning regulations for the area first. Also, I don’t really sympathize with people who buy this stuff to let it rot as it appears he’s doing. Lots of cars go from “needs work” to “parts only” by being left