Hahaha. Sure, shill. “Conservative” who reads Vox and thinks they wrote a good article.
Hahaha. Sure, shill. “Conservative” who reads Vox and thinks they wrote a good article.
Just about nothing in this article regarding the Concord is true. The concord was a pleasure for passengers to ride in, with high end accommodations and a remarkable quiet ride because it only used its afterburners to gain altitude. It sounds like you have gotten the Concord and the Soviet knock-off, the TU-144…
Holy Christ. I had to scroll down and hit “load more comments” twice before I finally got to your post. How everybody else missed the obvious including this author and the author of the original Variety story is beyond me. You are doing god’s work, please continue!
Only 37% of those surveyed related car sales with commissions?
Because she’s unattractive, unpopular and largely ignored and therefore the interwebz related most to her character.
My favorite bit is that Gawker is somehow trying to paint Disney as the small guy who can’t afford to go to trial to defend their correct news reporting.
TIL that Chris doesn’t put enough cheese on his cheeseburgers so the ambient heat is enough to melt it.
How does this qualify as a ‘bad idea’ because it was launched in the height of climate change awareness and with GM tumbling towards bankruptcy?
Get with the narrative. The fact that the steam catapult is known technology and actually works and Trump wants to stick with the cheaper and operational solution is not a positive story.
The most disturbing thing is that by drafting him in the 1st round despite these allegations, the Raiders gave him a get out of jail free card because now he has the means to buy her off.
Are you seriously saying that the ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS are not receiving Due Process by our Justice System? The same Justice System that releases them without deporting them because they don’t have enough judges to hear their cases?
You mean maybe if we had a decent trade agreement with China the Raptor might be cheaper, we might sell more and more Chinese might buy them?
Because you live in a fantasy land?
Shhh... Russians bad, Russians election, Russians squawk squawk squawk rrrrrreeeeeeee
A 3.3 V6 shouldn’t require that much real estate. What the hell is up with the stretched hood?
Easy. The appropriate amount of compensation for the services is the amount that was agreed upon before those services were provided.
This. Or an debadged Chevy Malibu because apparently “Real People - Not Actors” confuse it for anything from a BMW to an Audi. They never ever guess a Chevy.
Pretty clear it was her fault entirely, she got what she deserved and everybody else driving around her is lucky to not have gotten caught up in her in poor driving.