
So I literally just finished watching Stranger Things (I was busy the last 14 months) and I have to say, it was pretty good. Not the greatest thing ever made, but much like the IT movie, Stranger Things seem to hugely benefit from it’s amazing child actors.

How was it handed to her? People were fighting to keep her from having one, fought her when she had an album, and then killed her career after one song. There was almost a decade of work she put in to get to where she was.

“But she should be subject to that criticism. It should be an uncomfortable space for a white artist to appropriate black music. It’s only because of her white privilege that Iggy can be in that uncomfortable space but not have it get in the way of her career.”

Why don’t they create content-specific skip buttons then? For “House” they could have a “skip initial false diagnosis,” for crime shows “skip false first accusation,” etc.

This is all kinds of dumb.

No, they’re only making fun of people who think this is true.

You’re overlooking the other possibility, perhaps because it is too horrible: That Trump gets reelected in 2020 and they run on a 2024 ticket.

You’re really not going to like it when they run for President on a ticket together in a few years.

I too am tired of the bullying of a 155B market cap little guy.

I think the Hulk Hogan loss still hurts.

But but but SUBWAY PUT GROUND-UP YOGA MATS IN THEIR BREAD. And I avoid CHEMICALS in my food. And if I can’t pronounce an ingredient, it’s BAD for me.

Great post.

Rumored casting of antagonists:

This is way off base and as an engineer who is obsessed with efficiency, Disney and ABC were definitely in the wrong and deserved to pay up.

“The way the media, as a whole, is seen, has changed dramatically over the past 20 years.”

Also, white potatoes v. sweet:

Thanks for that—but most people don’t eat brown rice, they eat white. “One cup of cooked quinoa has about 40 fewer calories than the same amount of white rice, but the real benefit is in the carbohydrates. White rice has almost 15 times more grams of carbohydrates, and quinoa provides 5 more grams of fiber and

According to your screenshots,