Rozelle’s Bagman

@Juancho: Deadspin could use a tout hotline. 1-900-DSLOCKS

@Juancho: Against sharp NFL lines, 56 percent is godlike. 60 percent is like saying you have a 14 inch penis.

Which are gayer: team or individual sports?

@twoeightnine: *That's* why they're called Mobile homes? All these years...

I'm not a pimp, I'm an Intern Coordinator.

Needs more Peckinpah.

@Phintastic: They cold still score three times and cover. Then what?

I had a two game lead in a 100 runner office pool, and after a week 17 4-11 faceplant am now dependent on Jets -10.5 to win the cake. Who can cap this stuff? I'm never playing a season long pool again.

"You pray to win the game."

The Fisher-Price line of semi-gloss totally works here.

So based on this 1H and Monday Night, the Skins will be up 31-3 at halftime.

Think I'll just quit while I'm ahead.

@bookiebob: Dude that's the Axe Effect, not the Deadspin Effect.

Better keep listening...might be a bit about "Blessed are the big noses."

Since we're in court anyway, can we get Tracy Palmer to STFU too?