“Billy Joel is evidence that many Americans think they love Rock and Roll but actually love showtunes”
“Billy Joel is evidence that many Americans think they love Rock and Roll but actually love showtunes”
Your taste in music sucks and you are named aptly.
A good follow-up would be to list the only 2-3 songs by each band played on the radio. (Hendrix - Purple Haze, Watchtower; AC/DC - Back in Black, Highway to Hell, You Shook Me All Night Long)
I know that things on the internet can get pretty heated and a lot of people say things they don’t really mean because they are protected by the cloak of anonymity, so I want you to understand how sincere I am when I say I hope you die in a fire.
this might sound like an asshole question but why didn’t he get flagged for removing his helmet?
Matt, look on the bright side...I’m sure this feels better than being up 28-3 once.
Except the infamous “pivot to video” turned out to be a Facebook-mendacity-fueled joke.
Raph... I just re-read the first three paragraphs of this article five times, and I cannot figure out how much this car costs. I get that it’s somewhere around the $55k at which the RS3 starts at, and that the STi Type RA came in at $50k. But I cannot for the life of me figure out what the S209 costs. What’s up?
* Goes and buys SCUM *
Just re-checked Steam and it’s been added sometime within the past 24 hours. Royal Rainbow!
Now I want a volvo station wagon? Being in your 30s is weird...
Are plebs still needed in Caesar III?
If you live in southern New England, a sandwich is only a sub if it contains cold meat and cheese. If it’s hot, it’s a grinder
A+ review would read again.
“With a katana”
I'll never forget my own favorite created boxer: French Fry
Blonde blocky head
Yellow shirt
Yellow shorts
Height slider maximum
Weight slider minimum
Beat the piss out of Larry Lunchbucket
Oh...my....GOD! Someone actually remembered this game and it actually got put on this list? AWESOME! I cannot tell you how many hours I spent on this game back in the day. I still have the theme to this game stuck in my head.....