if im not mistaken. the '13 model year was the last of the ford/mazda design. the '14 was the first year of the kodo mazda6
if im not mistaken. the '13 model year was the last of the ford/mazda design. the '14 was the first year of the kodo mazda6
I think the f150, Silverado, and tundra all have stamped tailgates
I hate it when it gets moist in there
It is important to note how loans actually work. When someone takes a loan out on a car for $10000, they are really signing an agreement to borrow and repay $10000 and the car is just the security for the loan.
Does she really need to?
Wait... What do you mean, “You people”????
Tommy P. To your point, the folks I see who are most overextended are the folks with higher than average income, or small business owners who view their gross sales as the same as a W-2 paycheck.
Close your eyes and open your mind to a whole new world of possibility
Im glad you see things my way. I only fux with properly shaved apexes. Anything else is barbaric and frankly gross.
Came here for this. Nice work.
What’s a camEry?
Have a smaller child. You can use a smaller car seat.
“rivaled only by CSPAN and a hospital food, but hear me out.”
Other reasons are likely lack of income(dont make enough money) or excessive obligations(too much debt, yay student loans!), Or a combination (debt to income.)
You raise a good point. This is the same reason finance companies still send “$35,000.00" loan checks to our mailboxes. Someone will act without thinking first.
You are spot on my friend. And beyond this, I see so many folks living check-check or just beyond this spend the extra several grand to buy a new vs. current model year used/CPO when they could be making a higher contribution to a retirement plan, emergency fund, or eliminate other high interest debt.
This is clearly fake news. Put together by the fake news media who had colluded with the Russians.
I’m sure they had the phone brightness on full too making it difficult for their eyes to adjust to the dark conditions outside.
It’s almost ogre