
The popped collars are impeccably done and worn but they bug the heck out of me. I mean it's not the 80s anymore even if that's how old our stars are. I finally decided the stylists are using them as a frame to make Jane's cheekbones more prominent.

Ha! This reminds me of an exchange I had with one of the ladies at the senior center.
Me: I'm wondering if I should stick close to my mom for awhile. She's getting older and I'm starting to get worried about her.
Senior: How old is she?
Me: She'll be 79 this year.
Senior: Oh, for crying out loud! She's still a very young

My grandmother wasn't homophobic but she was very often negative and even something nice had a dig in it at someone else or even at the person being complimented. I have a vivid memory of her saying to my aunt- 43 years ago- "Mona and I bought a new sweater today. It's that shade of green that looks so good on you. Of

I wonder if the back medicine making someone chatty is a call-back to the episode of "West Wing" when President Bartlet is supposed to take pain medicine for his back and when the staff asks which one he took he says "I wasn't supposed to take both?"

While I can picture Frankie saying she'd rather be known for doing good than for being rich, Grace has come so far in three seasons that it's easier to picture her saying "Por que no los dos?" than writing off the chance to do good in favor of being celebrated for her money.

Then again, a lot of couples aren't sexy with each other after twenty years. My relationship before my current one lasted about that long, we were practically just housemates by the end, and we were still in our forties.

I think there's too much drama in their relationship and a lot of it seems like things they should have worked out over the last twenty years. There isn't much chemistry; it's true. They remind me of my grandparents when they were in their 70s. But sometimes they're very sweet with each other and I buy it especially

Weird isn't always bad.

She could do with a good Indica.

That's interesting. I had consumed pot edibles and used both a can pipe and a glass pipe but I didn't feel I'd smoked pot like a grown-up until I rolled my first joint. For the record, I'm 55.

Yep. Lotta discussion of vaginal issues um tissues um both.

First of all, I think it's amazing that you could have binge-watched "Santa Clarita Diet" with your mom and the drug use would have been the issue. My mom would have to *be* stoned to get her anywhere near a show with zombies.

My daughter works at McDonald's. I haven't asked what she thinks of the new uniform but I think she'd prefer sparkly jumpsuits and she *hates* sparkly anything.

I would just like to say that if you're so sick that you're too nauseated to either drive or be driven and you very nearly go to the spa anyway and expose everyone there to your illness then you're a horrible selfish person. I don't care if you're there to generously help someone else celebrate their birthday in

I loved "Matlock". He was the first person I'd seen wearing a seersucker suit since I was a kid.

I remember when this song was a big hit and they interviewed Chris De Burgh about the inspiration and he said that he and his wife hadn't seen each other all day because they'd had a tiff, but they had to go to a party that night. They arrived separately and he looked across the room, saw this amazing woman in a red

Several of the shows I've been going back to on Netflix are leaving April 1st so I was trying to binge through them. Not gonna happen when they're from the olden days when shows were 23 episodes a season. Going back even further, I miss the way episodes used to be repeated over the summer. Now, of course, some play in

Has there been a shake-up in the writing staff the last few seasons? How do you account for the change?

Everybody and his mother is trying to kill me…if my head doesn't blow up first.