
This! I was about to mention “La Boheme” as well. Aside from the logistical issues of singing operatically while dying of a lung disease, it’s interesting how TB / consumption is so intertwined with her kind of ‘fragile’ femininity. Rodolpho can be more of a Romantic lead when Mimi needs to be cared for.

needs more stars #franfine #yasqueen


Same here! Thank you, Prime!

GREAT interview. Will be ordering ASAP.

Step aside, Pops!

I feel similarly watching the Toby Stevens version. Daaaaaaamn, Jane. (Also, Kelly, I freakin’ love Pictorial, can I get ungreyed? Gracias / Merci / other-language-thanks!)

Wuthering Heights blew my mind when I read it as a 25 year-old (having never read it in spite of being an English major *hangs bonnet-clad head in shame*). Its portrayals of physical abuse? Insane and totally revolutionary for the time. Damn, Emily!

Charlotte Gainsbourg? The one with William Hurt? True story about the lack-of-mouth-movement.

That is arguably the most English thing I’ve ever seen.

*snort* this is my favorite thing on the internet today. All the stars.

folded it into a cross, too! Gettin’ crafty post-communion. :)

Aaaaaugh! I knew that! *hangs head and bonnet in shame.*

THIS WAS PART OF MY RANT. The kiss makes me so uncomfortable. Like, viscerally uncomfortable. aaauuuughhhh

Just saw that as I was wikipedia-ing him for the 5th time. Clearly I have some TV to watch!

Ciaran Hinds as Wentworth = actual literal perfection. I went on a 10-minute rant/rave about Austen films (that was mainly just swooning about him in “Persuasion”) to my husband last week, which focused on how that’s my favorite film version of one of her novels. I also periodically rewatch the end, because duh.

Just started watching “Poldark.” Feel inexplicable desire to show up on set in Cornwall (which I previously only associated with historical rebellions, that wall where Ms. Musgrove fell in “Persuasion,” and Cormoran Strike) and make sweet sweet love to Aidan Turner. That show is SO GOOD!

Just wanted to add that the Bridge Cafe is delicious! Enjoy Manch-Vegas (and try 900 Degrees for pizza).Hope you ladies have more fun in NH than Sad Jeb! does. (Which shouldn’t be hard.

This raised-in-the-Shire gal just had to say bienvenue to the Granite State! Swing by Breaking New Grounds in Portsmouth for coffee and breakfast (or, better yet, Parker’s Maple Barn in Mason) and I’ll be toasting my breakfast to you in spirit.

LOVE this book! It’s SO GOOD for kiddos and totally predated “Inside Out” by many years in terms of helping kids acknowledge and appreciate all of their messy little emotions. She’s a rock star.