
Why does someone like David Bowie die in their 60s and KFC gobbling fat fuck Donald get 10 more years on him?

Trump refused to meet with HIV advocates during the campaign,

My 8 year old daughter has sensory processing and attention difficulties as a result of a birth related brain injury. We’ve been doing some work on helping her regulate her emotions a bit better as she is prone to quite devastating melt-downs when the world comes at her a bit too hard and fast. Yesterday she became

I genuinely don’t see how Theresa May can hang on as PM for much longer. Her approval rating was already below Trump’s before this happened and at this point I don’t think there can be anyone left in the country who doesn’t loathe her.

“...told the NYT that he everyone seemed more mature and “had kind of a professional attitude” as they stepped onto the riverboat...”

There are entire university departments dedicated to urban planning and design, and America, though young as a country, has made contributions to the history of architecture with greats like Buckminster Fuller. American design experts are in international demand, creating environmentally friendly plans for quickly

This is getting too much use lately.

Right? Hell, if one of my people had a job that could be done entirely on the internet and they came to me and asked if they could work from home I would probably allow it, at least part of the time. But if they just waited until I was out of the office and DID it without ever consulting me, actively tried to keep it

Like hating gays before you kid becomes one.

I started reading this article, actually FELT my IQ dropping the further I read, and decided to scroll to the comments to see if I was going crazy. It’s good to know I’m not crazy.

Someone was stressing the importance of hand holding like a normal human couple the whole helicopter ride over, and this was all Trump and Melania could manage, and that aide in the helicopter was all “Fine. Whatever. Close enough I guess” and then they had a quick drink from a flask probably and squawked out “it’s a

The Trumps are exhibit 1A of entitlement BREEDING stupidity. When you are never accountable for your actions; never have to worry about the coherence of your arguments or morality; never have to earn respect from colleagues, teachers, bosses, or friends; never have to answer to a corporate board or investors or legal

Infuriating because we all know it’s true.

And once again, the party of personal responsibility would just like to remind everybody that it’s somebody else’s fault that they couldn’t do their jobs to a laughably basic level of competence.

I actually expect him to disappear into his own dickhole, until there’s nothing left but an incorporeal dickhole haunting the halls of the Capitol building.

She’s a pretty, white lady.

It’s Mike Pence’s birthday today. It’s the only day he lets Mother spank him.

Ivanka is as vile as her father in a much nicer looking package.