
I don’t disagree with your assessment (I remember feeling embarrassment about Harper and how he was stripping Canada of everything that made us something on the world stage) but I will say that as a Canadian, coming to this site and others like it, feels me with relief. It reinforces my belief that you aren’t all

The 7th or 8th year is the hardest, not the 1st. Sorry.

I hate this man with every fiber of my being yet I find myself by reflex yelling at the screen “OH MY GOD SHUT THE FUCK UP YOU’RE GIVING IT AWAY”

The classic sign of the showboat, the “holy shit I want to be literally anywhere other than here right now” face.

Dear Kellyanne,

I feel like Trump is both the man and the dog in this situation.

I have been asking Director Comey & others, from the beginning of my administration, to find the LEAKERS in the intelligence community.....

Well I can’t just let that sit there.

In Russia, sleeve laughs up you.

When comparing this to Watergate, I’m struck by several things.

The correct answer to any question in regards to Donald Trump that begins with “Doesn’t he realize. . .” is no. I mean, look at his fucking hair.

One day, the kids will see the movie and ask, “Did it really happen like that?” And we will shake our heads sadly and explain that, no, it was so much stupider.

I think there’s three types of people that are hanging on to him right now:

“Or, maybe, everyone decided that we no longer need a soap operatic depiction of a chaotic, compromised, scheming Washington DC because we’re living it right now.”

I think we all know that the “Trump Presidential Library” is just going to be a giant, flat-screen computer monitor scrolling tweets.

There’s some small part of me that says “Yes! Today begins the turning of the tide.” Then I remember how many times I’ve said that in the past year or so, and pour myself another scotch.

Like a bug lured by a bloody mattress.

Yeah, I know I’m late on mentioning this, and I’m probably not the first one to come up with it, but my personal mental term for the enjoyment I feel at reading about every aspect about this whole thing is Schadenfyre.