
All Is Lost should be on here.

True, but in this particular case, the whole heart of the movie seems to be in its super-realistic details, from the slow, believably awkward first conversations to the way they eat with their mouths open and the way they get all snotty when they cry. And then they have sex and all the sudden you’re watching a Vivid

I stopped the movie about five minutes after the sex. Everything up to it was wonderful, afterward I was no longer sure what the hell I was watching. 

Haven’t seen the movie, but based on what you say, that makes it tragic.  We need realistic movies about love and sex because we all know how much fake shit is out there.  It’s not harmless either.  The amalgamation of all those fake representations produces very real expectations in the average individual.  

And that's a failure of all the unimaginative cowards who make most of the movies we see today.

*The Secret of the Grain* was the first movie of his I saw, and it was incredible, save for a bellydancing thing that was too long and kinda uncomfortable (like skeevy uncomfortable, not “this is supposed to show how this would be in real life” uncomfortable) after a while. Turns out the bellydancing had been

You’re so right on. But isn’t that true for every sex scene in a movie?  Everyone is doing crazy porn stunts on the go.  Women climax after two minutes, men do acrobatic stunts.  I’m convinced we’re all living out the false expectation of being the best at the first go.  

If it were 1999, it wouldn’t have been so bad.

Confronting the alien source in Annihilation??? Come on, guys

I also like the idea that he’s a self-made man (again, another way that separates him from Trump and makes him arguably more compelling).

I think the book drew that line a bit better but, I still think the movie is fantastic, and I understand why Raimi wanted Smith to change a lot of stuff from the novel. The novel is solely from Hank’s point of view and Hank is an utter monster in the book who rationalizes the brutal killing of a lot more people than

For me the dragons/effects in Reign of Fire were substantially better as far as creature work goes. Dragonheart was severely let down by it’s voice cast.

God, let this show die in peace. That final season was terrible and the finale was embarrassing. After season 4 or 5 it already wasn’t the same.

No, I’m with you. The final season was dreadful, even a slap in the face to earlier seasons to some extent, and to the characters. Season 6 wasn’t amazing either, but 7 was terrible. I cringed through that finale.

What also makes the final season retroactively tough to watch is the sheer impracticality of the feel-good, wrapped-up-in-a-neat-little-package fates of all the characters.

In general, the X-Men movies have been good about taking a very complicated and sometimes tediously dense mythology and stripping it down into something manageable for the movies. Occasionally, this feels chintzy and rushed, as in The Last Stand. Most of the time, though, it gives those movies a humanity that I really

Zimmer’s score was pretty great for MoS. He nailed the flying scenes.

If we’re going to name a sexy man, it should not be someone who looks like the third worst salesman at the local Dodge dealer.

Man Of Steel is the movie that every one of us would’ve lost their minds over when we were in the 1st grade. Superman punching a bad guy really hard while flying into space and destroying a satellite. It’s the movie you would talk to your friends about at lunch with your slice of pizza and chocolate milk.

If you go to bat for man of steel, I’ll steel myself for Batman.