
Goddammit, that just sucks. It sucks because I’m selfish and want someone I considered to be smart and thoughtful to actually be a good person at heart and this takes away a bunch of pleasure I would have gotten from his work. But it mostly sucks because he really shitty things to a bunch of people who didn’t deserve

I just can’t get over the fact that Ridely Scott is going to turn 80 while these reshoots are taking place. Can you imagine how much work and stress it will involve to completely reconstruct the necessary sets/locations, rehearse a completely new actor, pull all the major co-stars out of whatever they’d planned to do

“There’s nothing new about it—what’s different and new about it is selling it to Wall Street as innovation or disruption.”

Oh lord that header image, I just... I don’t even know... words fail me. I mean jesus christ there’s just so much going wrong it’s overwhelming.

But good an opportunity as any to remind y’all that last years “Jackie” was the fucking bomb.

Fuck it! Just get rid of all the men in Hollywood and let a bunch of lesbians run the town.

still disagree with that review. its one of the better movies in the marvel universe and one that holds up after time

Stunning film - plus has an interesting place in the panethon of working class actors directing one movie that focuses on domestic abuse - Oldman/Nil by Mouth, Roth/The War Zone, Constantine here

It really has gotten the point where even if I’m interested in a trailer, if I see Gerard Butler show up I immediately think, “Oh, this is going to be shit.”

I think the kitchen fight in the Raid 2 was the best fight in either movie. And the use of music in that one is amazing.

Tarantino had one of the closest working relationships with that asshole in the industry. He was also perhaps the most capable of blowing the whistle and not having his career blow up afterwards. If you buy that he was only aware of a few weird stories and saw them as aberrations, as part of the culture (though that’s

“Basically, the illegitimate child of an abusive cop is building a snowman the day his mother commits suicide, leading that child to grow up to be a serial killer who cuts off his victims’ heads and puts them on top of snowmen. (Seriously.)“

And the words ‘President of the United States’.

Of the many things Liberals should learn from Trump’s victory, is that the Christian Right should never be given the benefit of the doubt. We must never be shy to call them out for what they truly are: a cult of hypocritical, win-at-any-cost, evil, racist, hateful, patriarcal anti-American fuckheads. We must not cede

Not quite sure where this will “settle” for me over time but damn...it was a sight to see, and a sound to hear in IMAX. Some maybe questionable things here and there and many moments of full on sensory overload.

The single cam is more appropriate for the small Texas town where Sheldon lives. The sprawling land and values of East Texas are concentrated into one microcosm of family and country pride through that single cam. We are living there with Sheldon and his family; we ARE a member of that family.

He looks like Louie Anderson exploded.

Harry Knowles looks like a ginger version of Cathy Bates in American Horror Story Freak Show.

I agree; it really should have been top five.

What about “Gattaca”?