
At the very least it has one of the greatest lines ever in cinema.

It’s a perfect thriller. The twists are natural and sudden and the characters react in the flawed way that actual humans react. The ending is devastating not just for the violence but for the way it presents only two paths for some people: live a boring shitty life or compromise your morals to try to better it. 

Mary is great, Ronin is underrated, but I honestly think American History X is a steaming pile of shit. It’s also the movie that popularized curb stomping. Ugh.

Anyone else think Mary Elizabeth Winstead would be the perfect Lois Lane? 

Titanic won that year but Troopers was nominated. 

Uh...no Blade Runner? :/

I’d say the creature effects in ROF are almost on par with Jurassic Park. They’re used very similarly. Underrated movie too. 

I definitely think the film’s opening is in poor taste and made me uneasy going forward with the film. But the opening acts more like a poor attempt to be edgy than masturbation fodder for Donald Trump. Besides, the main plot literally becomes about the US kidnapping a Mexican child then facing the harsh consequences

So I think this was a solid B. Maybe a B+ as it grows in my mind. It doesn’t have the dread of the original, but Solima works in the tenor of the first enough that it felt of the same world. I’m sure we would’ve been complaining even more had it not.

Giacchino scores the shit out of that episode too!

Am I the only one who cannot get into Samantha Bee’s show? My liberal guilt makes me hate myself for not enjoying her comedy, but every time I tune in I see no perspective or angle. It’s just a rundown of our current shitshow with obvious commentary attached. And though I agree with her righteous indignation, I see

The Americans rebounded so well after season five. So glad its getting attention for its best season, and I hope it sweeps the Emmys.

Deacon Frost is such a terrific villain. The ‘90s were great at making villains who were just straight up dicks. Guys who have fun at being assholes. I’m also thinking of Craig Bierko in The Long Kiss Goodnight and Taylor Negron in The Last Boyscout (both Shane Black scripts).

I’m just waiting for everyone on here to shit all over the original X-Men film when the article comes out. It’s a pretty popular opinion nowadays, but I still contend that it holds up (minus outdated effects).

This is one of those recent hallowed horror films I just can’t get behind. I found the first two thirds needlessly ugly and tedious (the characters are just wretched) so by the end I was just desensitized to it’s tricks.

I’ll go to bat for the BvS ultimate cut. Bought it for $4 online and was genuinely sucked into its dark unrelenting world. The narrative is more coherent, characterizations are smoother and it has some great images. Eisenberg still doesn’t work as Luther and there is WAY too much plot, but Snyder was going for

Yes! Watched Spawn on VHS in Dec ‘97 at 10 Years old when it came out and my jaw dropped at how awful the cgi was.

Hot take: I couldn’t stand the final season and the time jump ruined the verisimilitude of the show. Time jumps into the future are tricky to me, mostly because they always end up turning the show into science fiction or speculative fiction. Holographic phones in Parks and Rec were just too much. That and all the

Finally! I thought that if they had done an Amazing Spider Man 3, Mysterio could’ve been the villain. You could’ve had Peter coping with Gwen’s death while Mysterio pops up. And since he’s a special effects guy for movies, you could’ve introduced Mary Jane. Have the story be about Peter’s opportunity to move on with

Whoops! The internet always knows it’s Star Wars trivia.