
Case in point: the “many Bothans” line in A New Hope. How many fan theories did that throwaway line create?

I still adore Alien 3 to this day, probably because it is so unrelenting bleak and idiosyncratic for what passed as a blockbuster 25 years ago.

They Came Together runs into the same problem as Angie Tribeca: they both need the budgets of the things they’re spoofing to work. They just come off as too cheap to achieve full parody.

I’ll go to bat for Loaded Weapon also. Fatal Instinct is a shitty spoof movie.

I would count The LEGO Batman movie as a spoof.

The Grey has possibly the most horrific drowning death ever put on film. Just awful. When I saw it in the theatre, I sank in my seat and basically submitted to its existential horror. Up to that point, there was still “hope” that this would be a typical survival tale. The movie is so much better for it not being that,

I blind bought Scanners from a Blockbuster sale 6 years ago...and it was so disappointing. Probably one of the worst lead characters/actors in film history. I had heard so many great things too.

Was I the only one that thought Split should’ve been rated R? That movie got way too twisted to be in PG-13 territory.

The X-Men movies really need some more credit in terms of what they accomplish. Way more highs in those movies than most of the Marvel ones, even if some of the lows are really low.

I’m now convinced the dude is gonna die soon. Holy crap!

Thanks 2017 for proving that white mediocrity still reigns supreme in America!!!

Is leaden a tone?

Is leaden a tone?

I think we kind of take for granted some of the cool things we get with superhero movies. There’s definitely a lot of cool stuff in MOS, some of it bordering on spectacular. I think the DC movies use visual effects in interesting ways more often than Marvel.

Counterpoint: I, Robot; Knowing; Gods of Egypt. :/

To be fair, Goyer penned that and Dark City which were released the same year. On ideas alone that was a hell of a launch pad.

I’m actually on the opposite end. I’m starting to see every politician who takes gun money then deflects as complicit in these deaths. At this point, they might as well show up to the Congress soaked in the victims’ blood.

Overturn Citizens United. Consider making lobbying an illegal practice. It keeps coming back to money and influence.

A report actually just came out linking mass shooters with domestic abuse. The stats are overwhelmingly high.

Am I the only one? Jennifer Jason Leigh does absolutely nothing for me as an actress. My God, none of her performances have ever resonated with me. She’s saying the lines and I guess she’s making the right faces but there’s never any life or verve to what she’s doing.