
Gets shot in the head though 🤷🏻‍♂️

Ugh I like Singer’s X-Men movies so if/when that comes out, you’re going to have a barrage of Marvel fans gloating that their beloved cinematic universe didn’t hire a molester. That’ll make things doubly gross.

Geez that piece of shit Thor 2 only got a B- on here?

Scream has the all time great killer reveal for me. *SPOILER* the back and forth with Billy really plays with you but the reveal of Stu was a mind fuck that made so much sick sense. That movie has mad energy at the end.

Plus Alicia Witt! *swoon*

Yeah great British actors really know how to capture that type of social drama.

Finally a place where I can start a ‘Tyrannosaur’ appreciation thread! Olivia Coleman and Peter Mullen are just fantastic in it. Such a hard hitting and fearless drama. Seek it out now that it’s off Netflix.

They should’ve cut the subplot with Ruhian’s assassin character. The movie would be nearly perfect without it.

Yup. Good God that movie had zero stakes. Kill Bucky or something. Anything.

Reign of Fire? Naw it’s a classic.

Ed Harris is totally the bad guy causing the storm in this, right? It’s just too obvious for this movie not to do.

Is Aaron Eckhart the drama version of Gerard Butler?!

Dear Frankie. I remember Ebert and Roeper really adored that movie. Never saw it.

Hot take: why the fuck isn’t Guy Richie finally in director jail? Dude bombs more than Gerard Butler.

He was good as Christian Bale’s ball busting friend in Reign of Fire who *SPOILER for 15 year old movie * gets burnt to a crisp.

Let’s say Coriolanus. He didn’t drag that movie down.

His AMERICAN accent is just terrible. It sounds like he’s trying to talk while swallowing a lump of melted saltine crackers in the back of his throat.

I don’t know. I’m pretty on the fence with this one. Is there a corkboard with yarn connecting clues with suspects? Because I’ll definitely see it if it has that.

That’s been a trend of recent trailers. Cut up some super generic lines to hide the plot. If I wasn’t a Blade Runner fan, that very tactic in the trailer would’ve turned me off. “I’m coming with you.” “I need to ask you some questions.” Just really vague shit people eat up in trailers nowadays.

Excuse me! Excuse me!