
Holly Valance is one of those crushes from back when that I’m afraid to look up now bc i’m getting older. That’s the hidden pain of sex symbols in Hollywood. We cement them in a time and place and tie them to our sexual virility. I’ll be 30 this year so not too worrisome yet.  

I still say he could've made that movie without it being in the modern day. Other than recontextualize where they are, it does almost nothing different in an emotional sense for the characters.

I still don't understand why she is so reviled. So she's mostly done shit. So what? But her presence has never actively brought down a movie for me. And in something like The Cell, her physicality and sensuality really makes the movie.

I'll take the Douglas section if it means I can keep the Cheadle section. Damn, he and Guzman were an awesome pair and their story had great suspense.

His Solaris might be his best film. A tight 90 minute treatise on the pain of love and memory. Amazing editing and score. An ending for the ages. And this is coming from a rabid Tarkovsky fan.

Benjamin Buttom is painfully mediocre. It would be Fincher's worst if Dragon Tatoo didn't exist.

Yes she's awful and apparently she is the producer or studio heads' daughter. Ugh.

That's why I said even sexier. Some women it really does boost their self esteem. In the same way I didn't start feeling better about myself till I started working out. Once it helped me get over that hurdle I realized where my natural confidence was. On the other hand, some women just get fake boobs as a status thing

I can attest that boob jobs have gotten really good these days. Sue me, a good boob job is a lot of fun and it gives some women crazy confidence which makes them even sexier. I think we all win.

Hot take: The Hunter is maybe Dafoe's best performance and a quiet classic. The evocative world it creates in Tasmania, the mysterious aura around his mission, the slow cracks in this stolid man's armor because of the kids—it all combines to create a haunting and emotionally satisfying mood piece. It knows when to go

Hmm I've never heard that. On one hand Zemeckis can really have fun with a project and knows tone, but on the other I really liked a lot of the aesthetics Snyder brought. It finally dragged Superman into the 21st century. I don't really have any qualms with what he was going for with MOS (even though people now act

About that score, Tyler Bates basically ripped off Elliot Goldenthal's score for Titus. There was an actual lawsuit and Goldenthal ended up retroactively getting credit. That kinda makes me hate this movie even more. Bates is mostly a hack and is just now getting out of composer jail for me with stuff like his

I'd throw 2005 in too. For me it was three full years of mouth watering cinema. 2005 had everything from classics to just good entertainment. Brokeback Mountain, capote, Munich, the new world, Batman begins, Syriana, good night good luck, mysterious skin, 40 year old virgin, turtles can fly, millions, Wallace and

Ok someone stop me if this is a dumb question and I'm showing my ignorance of history (yay public education!). Movies have warped my brain so much that I have no idea. When the hell did white people actually show up? The idea that the Spartans or Persians were all white just seems wrong, and makes 300 look no

Aww I actually love the SWAT raid at the end. I think it's underrated and shows Batman at his most badass. Having to take out cops before he gets to the Joker was a fun spin.

That's almost exactly my journey with it too. Same age and everything. It had so much hype before it came out that in the theatre with other moviegoers looking for blood I half legit got swept up in it and half felt like I had to out of social obligation.

I'd say Chris Nolan having a heavy producing hand in Man of Steel worked the same way for that film. MOS leans into some new territory for Snyder while misunderstanding some stuff about why The Dark Knight worked (TDK never went full handheld). BvS had less of a Nolan influence so Snyder seems kinda lost and goes full

Controversial opinion: LA Confidential falls apart at the end and even then it's just a serviceably well made thriller up till then. It needs at least another 30 minutes. For some reason, that movie, like Usual Suspects—despite how well made both are—just never inspires me to see it again.

I feel like Tarantino has succumbed to the same issue Wes Anderson faces: he has become obsessed with making a "Tarantino" movie instead of a movie. I still say Anderson's best work is early in his career before he let his directorial flourishes overcome him. That's not to say either of them don't have good recent

Ah back when they used real animals in movies!