
Rewatched Mimic on hbo. It's pretty good. Haven't seen the director's cut though.

I would have to put Gattaca in my top ten that year if not as my best. Just such a measured and haunting sci-if tale that teeters on the edge of indulging in its minimalist style but holds back because it finds the emotional center and brings the movie home. My God, the ending with the launch, the furnace, and Michael

Eve's Bayou was on Netflix for quite a few years. It's a solid drama with a nice southern gothic flavor and ending. Very specific to the time it was made and to the place it was set. Wish we had more indies that felt like good literature.

So I caught the beginning of Warriors of Virtue on a local cable channel at 2 am about 12 years ago. Instead of changing the channel, a thought came into my head. "When will I ever have a chance in my life to watch this gonzo movie?" I would never rent it, it's too obscure to see on basic cable, and it will pretty

Yeah it seems like she's focused on the persona of a serious director rather than nurturing the craft. Whether it's tackling the BIG conflict of love and war right out of the gate, or doing a gaudy Oscar bait movie, or doing a full on vanity project. It's like she's checking off boxes for serious director. Next up is

And the Kevin character is also moving to Queens. And becoming a delivery driver. And they're renaming the show "The King of Queens." And oh yeah, this isn't freaking ten years ago, CBS.

Yeah I saw it when I was a kid, so it was a complete gob smack. Yet at the same time, it's a totally satisfying ending. A little like the end to Zodiac in that we aren't given resolution but far more depressing.

That's a good point. I'd say Marvel isn't doing anything interesting with their cinematography either. I saw one online video that described them as looking like concrete parking lots.

The movie heavily implies the killer isn't Noonan though. Penn is obviously using his casting as a red herring.

What disturbs me most is that we really don't have any apparati that can remove the president while in office other than impeachment. It's not like he could be arrested or indicted while as sitting president. Which seems to me like if the President's party controls everything—which they do—he pretty much has absolute

Never underestimate the Democrats uncanny ability to blow easy opportunities. As long as tone deaf buffoons like Schumar and Pelosi are at the top, a Republican stronghold in 2018 is still very much a reality.

Any fans of The Pledge? I just rewatched it. I think that's a terrific thriller with a powerhouse Nicholson performance and a haunting ending. I'll go to bat for that and most of Into the Wild.

The Pledge is actually based on a Swiss novella. It's been remade many times.

In my perverse mind, I kind of hope he goes out like the warden in The Shawshank Redemption when the authorities come knocking. That's at least more plausible than my other fantasy: him being dragged on the White House lawn in handcuffs, moaning and peeing his pants.

I agree but I fear for how pundits and conservative historians and the mentally unbalanced would seize on him as a figurehead of their "oppressed" worldview and try to lionize him in the history books. One catastrophic drawback to our extreme partisanship is down the road when textbooks and records will be made about

You know what truly sucks about all this? If this ass clown ever croaks from a heart attack in office, everyone on his side will raise the conspiracy theory flags and martyr the hell out of him. The ONLY way we will ever stop him is impeachment or voting him out. And God help us, I don't see either happening any time

Yeah wish they would do a Man of Steel 2 and blast that theme. Another reason why BvS was disappointing. They went the opposite direction they should've gone.

Oh yeah, Doctor Strange visuals worked brilliantly. That probably should've taken the Oscar over jungle book.

It does look a little like they shot 2:35:1 then cropped it for tv. Kinda weird considering all the other D.C. Movies are a wider frame. I wonder if they deliberately cribbed that from The Avengers because that was 1:85:1 where all the Marvel movies before it were wider.

I'd say at least D.C. does something almost painterly with the CGI. Those red skies are neat. Marvel's CG, outside of Guardians, has that drab almost thoughtless feel to it. Though I'd prefer more practical effects for both universes.