
Jurassic Park 2 and 3 are better just by virtue of being better made in terms of effects, pacing, cinematography and not making me slap my head against a wall. The biggest sin of Jurassic World is it's garish blockbuster filmmaking.

Ugh I had an argument with someone on Facebook who was trying to convince me that we haven't changed the definition of literally. I don't think he understand the actual definition of the word.

Thank you. Was worried this would be another Spider Man 2 gush fest. 2 is definitely better made than 1— the cinematography and effects are miles better—but the humor and awkward plot do it no favors. By the time Peter has cake with his mousy neighbor in a scene that just does not work, the movie jcompletely slips

And Legacy should've followed Edgar Ramirez's character from Ultimatum. He's the only one who's been affected by Bourne in as profound a way. But Ramirez wasn't a big star back then and he also isn't a blonde white guy.

That's the perfect analysis of Legacy.

I've never cared for Last of the Mohicans. I've always wanted to like it and I just can't. So funny that it's Mann basically experimenting.

Am I the only one who prefers the Theatrical cut of Miami Vice? That cut from the universal logo to the club with no context is just brilliant.

Blackhat has one of the best love scenes I've ever seen though. The editing, music, and blue lighting are killer. Too bad it comes 45 minutes in when it's more of a 75 minute beat in a 130 minute movie.

I kind of appreciate Deja Vu for basically having a tea party, anti government survivalist as the villain. That was bold in 2006 and there would be a shitstorm if they tried that today.

Gotta disagree. That car chase is a masterpiece precisely because you feel the images. It's Impressionism. Many of the shots take place within Bourne's car and are often just long enough to give you information: brake, clutch, map, sign about to be hit. It's all about impact and I had never seen a scene done that way.

He sure did and we got those terrible boat and helicopter shots in Wolf of Wall Street.

A lot of these would be great to catch up on…if HBO showed their movies in the correct fucking aspect ratios!

"Jurassic Kingdom" is right there for a title. How do these people get paid for this?

Incendies still has one of the most chilling gasps from a character ever in a movie. It's at the end and you'll know it when you see it.

The set dressing was impeccable but I take issue with one thing. Most of the movies were late 2002/early 2003. In the middle you can see "Big Fish," which came out late 2003 and wasn't on DVD till April 2004. Still loved the attention to detail. Why is my brain filled with useless movie release date trivia?

Haha yeah but the editing is awkward. So it goes from the fight to his death with zero buildup. Also the music never changes.

I said X2 should have an honorable mention. Kill Bill was the right choice for 2003.

None of those really seem influential. Maybe something foreign?

Renner is a legit good bad guy in that. I remember the movie really perked up when he shows up again. Too bad the editing sucks on his death scene.

That's kind of ridiculous to me. A genre is usually structural and most superhero movies follow an action structure. So what movie will be for 2005? I can't think of anything impactful other than Batman Begins.