
Uh…X2 anyone? It's still got action in it. Needed at least an honorable mention.

Not to dredge up the Marvel vs DC debate (both series have strengths and weaknesses), but one thing I appreciate about Wonder Woman and that scene from BvS is that they're not afraid to imply some sexuality. I was a breath of fresh air to see Diana not be seduced, but to be confident in who she is and all but demand

The right wing has done so much to disparage the terms "liberal" and "progressive" that most people will either not own up to being one nowadays or convince themselves that they aren't by calling it something else or qualifying it. It's about goddamn time we try some actual liberal policies in this country.

For some reason it's especially prevelant in Tom Cruise movies. Edge of Tomorrow, Oblivion, and that new American Made movie all have love interests 20 years younger. I wonder if it's some creepy Peter Pan complex Cruise has. Maybe it's in his contract.

Given that this season developed absolutely nothing from almost all its threads, I say a big fat no to anything revelatory happening with Henry. This show just refuses to operate that way.

Phillip's son was the most disappointing subplot. Couldn't believe they did that only for it to have zero consequence. Phillip could've found out and turned against Gabriel and his handlers or something. Anything!

Really miss those days when B movies were taken seriously like prestige dramas. The Ghost and the Darkness is a good example. I'm sure there are better examples.

Yes the score is one of the best things about it. 2002 was good for him too with Count of Monte Cristo. That should've gotten an horrible mention.

That's amazing. Sadly I meet people—thankfully usually not filmmakers—who think you can do that with editing. We're not wizards!

Hated JW with a passion. The biggest indicator of its shittiness? That giant aquatic dinosaur. No way on any earth a team of animal wranglers could control something that humongous. They pretty much added it in the movie because it looked cool eating a shark. But it has zero believability.

Isn't that what Captain America: Civil War basically did? Zing!

Yeah the Pa Kent saving people thing is murky to almost make it purposefully morally grey. For the record, he doesn't tell him to not save them, only that he doesn't have the answer.

I was always lukewarm about Supes so MOS at least felt like a good start. Of course BvS decided to double down on its worst elements which was frustrating to say the least.

That would be interesting. At the same time though, Superman in MOS doesn't mow people down or something. I guess you could say he's more passive in fighting. Like Zod throwing a tanker and Superman not stopping it, instead letting it blow up because explosions. That's pretty annoying.

Am I the only one that liked Man of Steel or at the very least appreciates its existence? I can never have a legit discussion about that movie without people frothing like it killed their unborn children.

Doesn't surprise me. They do the same thing with reality competition shows nowadays. It's a way to take advantage of up and comers and so the producers can easily manipulate where the show goes. Likewise, not to burst your bubble but any commercial with "real people" is still using actors. As an actor myself, I've

I actually found that movie more disturbing than emotional. When the daughter figures out what happened at the end, she let's out the most chilling gasp. Never seen a character learn something and it being so unnerving.

Anyone else think they should've cast an African American as the Invisible Man and actually add some subtext to one of these movies? Is that asking too much? Maybe David Oyelowo or Sterling K Brown.

Somehow I've gone 20 years without being spoiled on Twin Peaks. Guess I should've watched it within that time. :(

That "theory" on TDKR is the peak of dumb internet speculation. Nowhere in the grammar of the film does it suggest completely subjective perspectives outside of Bruce's one hallucination. Mainstream blockbusters don't just change their POV's like that in the last minute. Unless it's an experimental art film, a movie