
Its absolutely obvious. The film relates murder scenes to that image of checking his shoe. They use it one last time in that scene as a gut punch. This is pretty obvious visual storytelling. Not that hard to figure out but our moviegoing culture is getting dumber.

That's cool to know.

On a related note, has there ever been a kid's cartoon or cartoon comedy where the characters age? I've always thought it would be interesting to do a family cartoon comedy where the kids grow up as you go.

I think it takes most of season 1 to hit its stride. The first half of the season is very capital C comedy.

Yeah I remember it being described like a Mamet play. The movie gets huge at the end while still seeming so intimate. Interesting balance but I see how it comes off as offputting. I dig it for not toeing the line even back then.

Yeah I'm all caught up. YTW season 3 is probably the most inconsistent but it can still pack a gut punch or a belly laugh. Probably helps that it has better acting than MON.

Very few movies make you want the villain to suffer a horrendous death like that one. The movie also did a good job of making you fear for Gibson's life after his son dies.

I have Zhou Yu's Train. Picked it up blindly when Blockbuster was going out of business 6 years ago and…still haven't watched it. :/

Well having the Father turn into Absorbing Man made thematic sense bc he's an unfeeling asshole the whole movie. I unabashedly respect that movie and kind of enjoy how you have no idea where it's going at the end.

I enjoyed season 1 well enough but I finally got around to seeing "You're the Worst" this year and…just don't know if this will hold up. YTW towed the line between sitcom plots, messages and real feeling hangout characters perfectly. The comparison seems random but the quality of style, tone and humor that YTW pulled

I'm a huge fan of the Aliem franchise. I grew up with all of them and they hold a special place in my heart. Do they each get progressively worse? Yes. But I can watch the 4 originals like nobody's business (Yes even Resurrection. That movie is gonzo. We may never see gory mainstream sci if like that ever again.)

Well technically I think the twins in Reloaded are some type of ghost or specter. And I remember a guy that Monica Bellucci kills has fangs. It's just window dressing.

I really think 2004 has to go to Bourne Supremacy. It's shaky cam style was so influential. Also bc it's a motherfucking masterpiece. Honestly I could see the first 3 Bournes taking each of their years.

I'd say that two on one fight at the end of LW4 is an all timer. Seriously brutal and carries weight bc the other 3 films. Jet Li was a great last villain.

So I have to go to bat for one glaring ommission: "The Mask of Zorro." It may not be straight up action, but boy is that movie perfect for what it's trying to accomplish. A cool story structure that plays up Zorro's origins juxtaposed with the new blood. Banderas gives a charismatic performance for the ages. This guy

Controversial opinion? Richard Armitage's Dollarhyde in the Hannibal series combined both elements and is probably the most well rounded (though I haven't read the book). Also he has the best ending of any of the Dollarhydes.

Yeah I think it desreves a mention just for the ambition of depicting a fully flooded town on screen. I caught it again on Epix (almost 20 years after I saw it). It's pretty generic, but has some decent kills. However, the scene where Slater is trapped in a jail cell that is quickly filling with water is a damn good

Nailed it.

Mission: Impossible is probably Elfman's best score. He's never lived up to that or Hulk. The rest of his stuff sounds too samey and uninspired. But MI is seductive and fun listening and part of why that movie works so well.

"The Island" is one I watch on TV all the time. I'll say it's good. The Bayisms become one too many in the middle and the action is dumb. But McGregor is actually having fun, and I don't know if ScarJo has looked better. The moment when those two make love (because Michael Bay characters don't have sex, come on) and