
Yeah, that was some great body language. I rewound that scene a bunch of times. Go SkyeDaisyQuakeSkye!

Or Whitehall.

Didn't LMayD blow up along with LMD Coulson?

Ooooh, thanks for the link Drobot! That was grand.

Me too!

I'm having a difficult time seeing what's bad about getting someone off for the "wrong" reason. People might give to charity out of ego, or perform public service out of ego, or do any number of other altruistic things to satisfy their egos. So what?

"I got a home crank."

You mean Apatow, the nerdy guy with the super-hot wife?

Oh, that dress!

That exchange made me think, "Dr. Akopian would have said, 'Wait, what? That's not what I said. Are you even listening to me?'"

But they're going against the Church.

You can probably start the engine with the paper towels and not do any lasting harm. But do it in a sexy way.

I was the 18-year-old in an 18/36 relationship that lasted until we were 20/38, and have no regrets. (Actually I regret I wasn't a better partner, but have no regrets about the relationship per se.) My parents were even cool with it.

@Tristan_99: I don't teach and haven't had that dream-flip, but I do still get the classic academic nightmare sometimes. But for several years now, at some point in the dream I realize I already have my degree, so fuck this shit. And then I wake up happy.

Every. Damn. Time.

Yeah, this far into season 2, and people are still harping on it.

Don't feel badly about your tastes, Squirrels. Pale isn't everyone's cup of tea. I think GJ is a stunner, but as always YMMV.

They're great mixed with ice cream. You're welcome.

> this story is about how laws can be used by the rich and powerful to
> stifle and retard competition
Thank goodness that doesn't happen anymore!

The Quiet Earth was pretty cool, as I recall.