
So long, mom,
I'm off to drop the bomb,
So don't wait up for me.
But while you swelter
Down there in your shelter,
You can see me
On your TV.

There's "what the Torah/Bible/Quran says about sex" and then there's "how some believers act based on their interpretation of scripture."
[Subsequent text withdrawn because it was incorrect.]

File this under "people are so different": I quit cigarettes some years
ago, and it was a real struggle. Then after drinking coffee for decades I
gave that up with no problem whatsoever. Technically I quit caffeine
(from coffee* only; I don't drink soda) because of my blood pressure, but I
also freaked myself out a

Seems to be a common thing with parents. "I had my fun when I was that age, but now nobody else should be able to."

And when will we no longer be forced to watch them?

It's not always exploitive, and it doesn't always end badly. I know two profs who had affairs with students and ended up marrying them and living happily ever after. Well, as happily as people ever get in the real world.

1) Paula was boiling mad at Josh at the time
2) The most important thing at the moment was to keep Becks from jumping off that cliff.

You should definitely try Bojack!

But the (fun!) fact that characters sometimes also hum the tunes in the real world of the show makes some fans think about it too too hard.

Yep, he's stunningly beautiful.

Should have been:

I'm not crazy about the Hector/mom thing. Seems like the writers were looking to give Hector a weird quirk to give him a little more dimension and somebody said, "Hey how about a creepily close relationship with his mom?" Seems random and unearned.

They could get an A if they cared, which they don't, but they COULD IF THEY WANTED TO!

Let's hope so!

Leto would have poisoned his costars as well.

Josh falling asleep making cranes brought me right back to his failure to put a table together in S1. "I've been up all night and I haven't even finished sorting the screws!"

> how did Jemma take out LMD Fitz like that?
Dropping a car engine on him, plus multiple stab wounds. And she didn't really "kill" him so much as temporarily disable him.

Nah, Agent "Badshot" Piper would have missed, just as she muffed her shot at Hive.

When Daisy work up in the bathtub, did anybody else think of Ellen Tigh in BSG?

I too dislike children, especially babies, and never want to hold them or be near them. My family and children-having friends just accept this.