
Yep, I didn't know about it either. Assholes.

Keeping people employed generally is a good way to prevent some from becoming white supremacist/Nazi/etc. assholes. But once they've already been converted, it does no good to keep them employed. Let their job go to someone who's not already a Nazi fuck.

That is why my woman friend who wears scrubs in her job buys men's scrubs (and men's pants in general). It's not like they're fashionable or flattering anyway. To be fair, though, she's rather narrow-hipped so fits in some clothes that other women couldn't.

sad, old and alone


Can we have a spoiler space for this movie, for those of us who don't know how it turns out?

@Ack_Ack:disqus, you've tried edibles? In all my years toking I never got too high, despite sometimes outrageous consumption, but then I ate too much medical-grade cookie, and … wow, a real can't-get-out-of-this-chair buzz. A friend asked me the cookie's equivalent number of bong hits, and my answer was "a million."

"Maine is the South of the North."

"Like your hairstylist needing glasses."

"…whether a pilot parachuted out before ditching his plane"

Cf. Tom Arnold's character in "Gardens of the Night": Affable, seemingly kind-hearted, but no genius.

I fixed my post, which sadly spoiled Marcus75's pretty good rejoinder.

I got a "Gorgeous Ladies of Wrestling" notification for this?

I'm not familiar with Vinnie Mancuso, but the level of writing here seems above dopey errors like "hiding in plain site" and "his word against her’s." Maybe he dictated the review to his phone, then missed the speech-to-text errors? And then of course AVC missed them too. Sheesh.

"Yous" is so morphologically perfect, it's strange that it never got past being denigrated as substandard.

Disqus just wasn't bad enough?

She was the best thing about "Pearl Harbor." Low bar, I know.

We did the same.

If we give in to the singular "they," the next thing you know we'll be using the same form for the second person singular and plural!

Yeah, plus don't fish also eat fish? "Ewww, this fish tastes like fish!"