
Studebaker didn't make a 105-inch wheelbase in 1856.

Because sea worms are already adept at semaphore, duh.

Blake Lively in bikini > almost anything

Haven't listened to pop music in decades.

Before reading this review I had no idea that lemonade was anything other than a citrus drink, and the episode was still pretty funny.

Or don't, if you ever want a good night's sleep.

One of the things that cannot be unseen.

Two things:

"…because of the way technology works"
But not the way the Darkhold works.

"If you're having sex with more than one person, you're not monogamous" is a tautology and adds nothing to the discussion.

??? Plenty of straight people are monogamous, and not for a lack of potential partners. Is "actively" the key word there? If so, please explain.

That was a great one.

15 years later: Just saw this and thought it was terrific. I can see why it might have stirred controversy (if it did, I missed the story at the time) but boy, what a tale, and fine performances.

IMO Daisy pulling Framework!Mack out of the matrix against his will would be like taking car keys away from a drunk. Sure the drunk person thinks driving* is a great idea, but the sober person knows it's wrong and has to be the adult. We can't know whether RL!Mack would choose to stay inside with his digital daughter,

Wow, Beyonder, that takes me back. I think if she had those kind of powers, she would have done more than just exit with Fitz.

"To be fair, I would have jerked off
into that tide pool no matter what."

Ask him about his sister's dance lessons!

In the Framework, the monolith never grabbed Jemma, so Fitz never rescued her. Thus nobody knew about Maveth or Hive, outside of the super-secret Hydra inner circle. There's no way for Coulson to have known about Hydra's pre-Nazi history.

Agent Welcomeback Whodathunkit

Love the Meigs Field reference. I will never forgive Daley for that.