
So by Sandberg’s logic, Thiel could rape his neighbor’s kid but still serve on the school board, so long as he committed the rape “on his own” and not as a school board member.

ipad the future of computing? Well then I’ll stay in the past thank you very much.

Thank you for not kissing apples ass and drooling over their “updates” like most of your counterparts would be doing right now.

As a lady in tech, I’m delighted this book is happening. I can’t wait to read it, and buy copies for all my friends. Suck it, bros.

Last time I did hardcore penetration of some bush it didn’t cost me nearly as much. It was only the price of dinner and some wine and a few condoms.

And long after.

Half-life 3 confirmed.

While technically accurate, calling this covering “material” implies something really interesting is going on, physics-wise.

Are you implying that there’s a tech company out there that isn’t spying on you?

I don’t pretend to hold the One True Definition™ of what art is, these seem fun makers projects at best.

Prepare for disappointment, it’s not going to happen. The Apple of 2016 is nothing like the Apple of 2001.

Everybody wanted a portable music player.