
Their PR teams must eventually realize that being so overexposed for this long invites backlash. Looking at the past year and a half of press, you'd think there weren't any other funny or talented women in Hollywood.

I really hope Colbert's confidence pushes Fallon to be a better host. Fallon's "look how much fun I'm having this is so neat having these guests" schtick has survived too long into his tenure and now just comes across as approval-seeking. He's successful enough to not need to do that anymore, but sticking to that look

I'm confused why Zombieland and What We Do In The Shadows were in the running before too.

Me and Rick and Morty runnin' around and Rick and Morty time. Aaall day long forever. All, a hundred days Rick and Morty forever a hundred times.

The universal elation when Xenstar lost the case was hilarious. Everybody cheering, including not only the jury but also Xenstar themselves.

Finally a genre where Nolan's over-exposition will be right at home.

It feels like momentum is really important in the Emmys. They don't anoint newcomers the way the Golden Globes typically do. 30 Rock, Modern Family and Big Bang Theory have all had runs of just demolishing the awards. The Office was sparring with 30 Rock for much of its strongest run, but at least 30 Rock was an

Cumbersome lore aside, the "faction video game" format actually seemed to help Warcraft avoid some usual fantasy pitfalls because it needed to tell it's stories from multiple perspectives. I haven't played WoW in years, but Blizzard always seemed way more interested in nurturing the Horde story to the point that the

George Miller needs to coach more of Hollywood on deft exposition. There was so much in that movie to explain and he did it with almost no dialogue.

Ah yes, 2012's Dredd - the most overrated "underrated film" on Reddit.

Was there a magical macguffin involved? 2 magical macguffins?

Why would you ever catch the snitch if it would end the game with your team behind?

This article made me realize I was completely in the dark about how comic book continuities resolved themselves. Ignorance was bliss? I'm not even sure. I'm just even more confused. All I know is that "Battleworld" sounds like a good name for that horrid proposed Maximus-in-space Gladiator sequel - and nothing else.

Charlie Kaufman's Adaptation was nominated for the adapted screenplay Oscar and won the adapted screenplay BAFTA. So they're playing pretty fast and loose with "adaptation."

Justin told me the biggest number was affinity and his brother's in fifth grade and told him so.

The GOP donned their scientists hats and determined that, after decades of taking African lives, in 2014 Ebola was finally ready to mutate - first into an airborne virus, and then into something that was Obama's fault.

I agree - its like a string of painfully unfunny middle-school jokes is the price you pay for the film analysis.

Rolling Stone is the institutional equivalent of the kid who wears the same Led Zeppelin shirt every day and complains about how there's no "real music" anymore.

Precisely - I was wringing my hands the entire time, muttering "but where is the SCIENCE, Guillermo?!"

All I see here is an elaborate ploy to get Bruce Dern his Best Supporting Actor Oscar. Couldn't let Christoph get in the way of that.