
Correct me if I’m wrong, but to make nightcrawlers a little bit better, you should use blankets, right?

I'm not hip to all the goings-on around this site - why are there so many articles about/related/depicting Cameron Esposito here?

~~How can this mixtape be real if our ears aren't real?~~

Album has James Murphy fingerprints all over it. LCD may be over, but DFA is still putting out solid records.

Not to mention that a sequel to Blade Runner would actually take away from the original's beauty by destroying the ambiguity of the ending.

ITT: my fellow members of the 2003-2006 SOAD fanatic cohort

I don't recognize…any of those names on the list outside of the two that were plastered over NYC a couple months ago.

Lord Walder, enough! Let it end!

Seriously - Daniels is obviously focusing his talents on Harry Dunne. Shame on the Emmys for dragging him into this bloodbath again. Give the man some peace!

If Ray Stevenson isn't Victarion, /r/asoiaf will implode

This is the change that bothered me the most. Not for its implications in this episode, necessarily, but for what it means down the line. Tyrion is a wreck during his travels in Essos largely because the Tysha reveal compromised his relationship with Jaime. Show-Tyrion may not be happy when he gets into the crate to

She'll be around, I'm sure. I was bothered at first (and, honestly, still think they missed an opportunity for a great cliffhanger), but it could be for the best that they push the reveal to next season, given the deficit of major twists in AFFC and ADWD compared to ASOS.

I honestly don't think that Coldhands is even a proper character in the books. The cleanest explanation I've seen is that Bloodraven warged into some ex-Night's Watch wight and hung around to make sure Bran got to him safely. No real character arc - just a meat puppet.

There's been a lot of Ant-Man drama recently and maybe I just didn't grow up close enough to comic culture to appreciate the motivations here, but why are people even going through the trouble of making this movie? Seems like one of those hokey characters that may be best left to the pages of some colorful comic book.

Furthermore, the quip about there being no word for killing a cousin struck me as a clever callback to when Jaime killed his distant cousin in S2 (one of the more controversial changes in the show).

Poor Toby there dropped 100 grand to look not even that much like Justin Bieber.

Between this and the bold references to MDMA on her last tour, I'd say Madonna is the edgiest star in 1980.