
I don't know. How many people who watch Rick and Morty would be aware of this?

Listen, fellow Squanch Games employees: I know this looks bad. Sure, our CEO grooms teenage girls and sure, he hit his girlfriend and sure, he also freaking imprisoned her.

Cartoon Network learning that the star and creator of its most popular and profitable show in years is a serial abuser/massive piece of shit during his time off:

Nintendo once again showing that they have no idea how their community actually functions.

I mean, watching that trailer again, that’s definitely more than a remaster. It still looks pretty dated and doesn’t look particularly good so I’m not saying it’s a good-looking remake, but what’s shown is definitely new work.

If you sit at a table with 10 Nazi’s, there’s 11 Nazi’s at the table.

Deplatforming works

I wouldn’t go that far. Dishonest and untrustworthy sure, still it’s hard to feel any sympathy for the companies he broke his legal agreements with. Ubisoft and their 67 new AC games can fuck right off.

Democrats ARE conservative. There is no true left wing in America whatsoever, hence why your whole country should burn to the ground.

I’m going to relish when life humbles you.

Why do I feel like somewhere you’ve complained about “nobody wants to work” when your favorite fast food joint was closed because staff quit?

Trade school and higher educations have both become prohibitively expensive. I have no idea where you think anyone is making $20 an hour landscaping. Even if they did that job isn’t year round. Plus it’s ableist as fuck.

Raises that don’t keep up with inflation/cost of living are actually pay cuts.

There’s always some bootlicking libertarian trustfunder in the comments.

Nope, Valve like Amazon is a company and there is no law stating that they have to allow a persons content for sale, they can de-platform them just for the fuck of it if they want to.

Why are all these transphobic dickhead weirdos all the same KIND of transphobic dickhead weirdo? They never seem to log off.

Before the MAGA cult starts whining about the First Amendment:

He’s really gotta find someone with a lifeforce to be the face of this product.

The new graphics version of Zuck still looks like shit.

Could be a problem with the source material though.