reMOvING prIde FlAG iS thE sAme aS AdDing oNe
reMOvING prIde FlAG iS thE sAme aS AdDing oNe
Don’t worry, someone is down there arguing that mocking homophobes is just as bad as homophobia.
“How are you any better?”
Easily. Being homophobic and criticizing someone for being homophobic are not equal.
This is a bad take.
It’s funny that the people who call others sensitive snowflakes are the ones getting upset over colored bars on a flag to the extent they have to mod them out.
Real “you calling out my racism makes you the *real* racist” energy.
I mean this isn’t exactly the same as modding out spiders in Skyrim or Darksiders.
Maybe program a keyboard shortcut that is an automatic ACAB.
like i think imma break my keyboard typing ACAB cause i can’t stop...ACAB ACAB ACAB ACAB ACAB ACAB ACAB ACAB ACAB ACAB ACAB ACAB...
I hope she sues the PANTS off that police department. Swatting has been going on long enough that law enforcement officials should realize wtf is happening, and maybe, I don’t know, investigate a crime before pointing an automatic weapon in an innocent civilians face.
This is ACAB in it’s purest form.
Can you go into more details about the no-swatting list?
stating she killed her mom
You know, I try to see both sides of an argument whenever I can, but as Mr. Plunkett said in his comment, Activision can get absolutely fucked, and I don’t give a god damn what you say about “nothing’s gonna change blah blah blah,” I want their company destroyed.
They actually murdered someone to make games and get…
And yet, the most likely result will be grand total of nothing. Because this has been going on for DECADES, across this and most other industries. And do you know how much has changed over that time? Almost. Nothing. It’s still happening. It’s still flagrant. It’s built right into the way companies operate and are…
“Some corporate drone died because of us? Oh, boo hoo! Who cares! Look at how much value we’ve created for shareholders! Get your priorities straight!”
Well, yeah.
I hope this crushes them. They literally have a dead person on their hands because of their culture.
Helluva thing, isn’t it? When the lighting is realistic, you can’t see in a cave that doesn’t have much light.