Well it clearly is though, transphobia is alarmingly common even among those who consider themselves to be opposed to conservatives
Well it clearly is though, transphobia is alarmingly common even among those who consider themselves to be opposed to conservatives
I’m more pissed at Kotaku spoiling something within 24 hours of release then anything else. But they have to meet their spoiler in Titles quota somehow.
Who says she can’t still be ace?
I can only imagine the hellscape certain gaming forums are right now. (maybe less with the sexy lesbians though, considering the lunatic rant I saw on Steam that used Aloy - along with the Returnal main char - as examples of how “woke” had made all female game characters so repulsively ugly he couldn’t play the games.…
I’m sure that “The Gamers (tm)“ are furious about this and are typing up diatribes with one hand while the other one is wrapped firmly around their sad, lonely pecker. Because lesbians.
what? you think that me shaking my head, at an objectively bad sports game, is somehow sapping time and energy away from my efforts to ensure the availability of medication? you’re even more brain-poisoned than the anti-potter crusade you imagined. you're just pure vice signaling now.
I prefer to play fantasy sports games not based on novels written by a Terf Nazi but that’s just me.
Meanwhile Stardew Valley Expanded (one of the biggest and most popular mods) is due for its big 2.0 update as well, which is supposed to add a ton of content.
I’d say you’re the fool for expecting a Potterhead not to drop an ethnic slur.
It’s a weird IP to alienate your trans friends over, though. “You’re my friend and I love you, but I’m really into this game where, in effect, I end up materially supporting someone that wishes to exterminate you”.
Sure, but Rowling is actively helping harass trans people on Twitter, is being cited by people who are working to enact laws that harm trans people, and pals around with virulent transphobes and right-wing extremists. All while being alive and rich and still largely beloved for her work that clearly continues to have…
Not sure if you know this, but ‘gypped’ is an ethnic slur.
They removed couch co-op. That’s enough reason to fire them and give the IP to another studio that knows what they are doing. And nope, haven’t played 5 or 6 because of this. Won’t get my money before they fix it.
Even if 343 stops being the sole developer on the franchise, is that bad..? I wouldn’t mind seeing id or Arkane take a stab at it, even if they’re just spin-offs.
Another corporate bot. I find it interesting that whenever an unethical act by higher ups is conducted and the media covers it, they start showing up in the comments - and no other times.
343 has been bad with Halo since the beginning. And now, bad as it is, it will get even worse.
How the corporate boot tasting?
With how Microsoft treats the IP, it isn’t that bad of an idea.
You want Microsoft to hand over their flagship IP to a company now owned by Sony? What are you crazy?
What a threat. Just give the IP back to Bungie and call it a day.