It’s both. (With the possible, though unlikely, exception that the inn served a unique racoon & chicken dish in its restaurant.... Who’s kidding who? It’s racist as fuck.)
It’s both. (With the possible, though unlikely, exception that the inn served a unique racoon & chicken dish in its restaurant.... Who’s kidding who? It’s racist as fuck.)
Ally: Your doing it right!
More white people need to do exactly this to be better people. (Minus the injuries if it can be helped of course.)
You know what you call eastern Washington? Western Idaho.
You think him being a SEAL (he shows off the pin every chance he gets), he would know how to catch a goddamn fish.
The trouble with getting at the mineral undeneath the land is, there’s no easy way to get at it without fucking up the land over it. Even if you dig tunnels, you’ve got mining waste. And the EPA is not requiring companies to prove that they can cover the cost of cleaning that stuff up, so unless a state wants to pay…
That’s rich you think it’ll be done responsibly. Trump and the administration are hellbent at repealing regulations. You think they’ll ensure any mining is done responsibly? You think they’ll ensure regs on the books?
you really trust them, given their environmental track record of late, to do this “responsibly”? just listen to Trump and Zinke talk about regulations and the environment. its a rape, not responsible development.
Alternatively...fuck you. Stop mining our fucking state, polluting our land, water and air, and destroying our mountains.
He’s also the upstanding gentleman who got his neighbors company, with a handful of employees, the 300 million dollar energy rebuild contract for Puerto Rico.
Perhaps there would be a point here if this wasn’t the same administration who views Confederate monuments as history itself, and therefore untouchable.
Like the douchebag Republican “lover of guns” that had no idea how a break-action shotgun worked, nor anything substantive about gun safety. Must be embarrassing that a pinko like me knows more about those things than he does.
I’d be more ok with it if mining companies had any kind of reliable record of being responsible in their practices when it comes to protecting the environment. And if we were going to tax the profits of this resource extraction at a steep level, like say, 90%. Not the pittance of a fee these companies are actually…
Hear, hear! Unspoiled nature has no right to get in the way of Canadian uranium mining concerns. It’s about time we had people like yourself willing to speak up for the haves against those mooching have nothings.
Lets get your stupidity out there for the masses to see, you ignorant cunt.
Eventually all things merge into one and an oil/gas developing company runs through it. I am haunted by this administration.
This seems like the first time in a while that a Republican has failed to rig something in his favor.
This is the same worthless bag of shit that makes the Interior Department fly his special big boy flag whenever he’s in the building, hard at work fucking over the country.
For real. Animals are innocent. People just keep finding new ways to suck.
Not gonna lie, I can’t see an animal or a child in distress and not intervene (and I love animals but I don’t even like children) and if I came upon this rabbit on the side of the road I would have done the same thing. I’ve embarrassed friends before by intervening if I see someone beating or hitting a child in public…