Rudy Mann

I was raped earlier this year in some seriously weird and unlikely circumstances (or at least they seemed unlikely to me, at the age of 39, nursing one weak drink at a convention “social hour”). Following the “suck it up” school of thought landed me in the psych ward six months later with a BAC of .50 and a serious

With all of these assholes being outed, maybe our society will finally shift to becoming human. I mean it’s been thousands of years since the Neanderthal it’s time we evolve.

Puppy snuggles have made it much better. :D

I can tell you exactly why it made me emotional.

Not sure why his statement made me emotional, but it did.

Bravo to Mr. Perrineau!

Dad life.

Not that I want Lena punished more harshly than the rapist, but I hope that the stink of her “insider information” post follows her ass for a long time. I hope Odell Beckham notices it.

It’s a very cop thing to do.

“I started my own business with a small loan of a million dollars.

Saw the title and was about to say “Who doesn’t think that 45 is an asshole at this point?”

Conservatives talk about how you can lift yourself up by your bootstraps and rich people deserve their wealth... Unless they’re liberal athletes...

And here’s the ultimate kicker: I’ sure she could quote the statistics of women of color being attacked at higher rates, generally, than their white counterparts. But she is blind to this? Fuck her. Feminist when it benefits her and her only.

Seriously. She’s not an outspoken feminist. She’s an asshole.

I think she’s more than stupid enough to say this.

I’m an outspoken feminist. She can’t sit with us.

I thought Sarah Silverman’s response was pretty good. I don’t follow her, but someone showed me the video of her & she made a point of saying that she could talk about all the great times she has with Louis, but that doesn’t matter. He did it, it’s not about their relationship or how she feels, but about the women he

I believe the family she moved to when she was 14 was super-religious. She’s a super religious woman.

...and this is all we’ll be saying about this issue.

First it was Lupita being called a liar by Harvey Weinstein and now Aurora Perrineau is being called a liar one of the 3 percent of misreported assault cases and none of the pussy hat crew have their black back?