Rudy Mann

I love how he can dismiss one accuser entirely for practicing “woo-woo” spirituality while unironically also claiming he was trying to connect with another woman by “feeling the other person’s vital spirit energy” through her pulse.

“If I hug you I might just want more.”

I had offered a special handshake, one I learned from a Native elder on reservation land at the edge of the Grand Canyon. You extend your thumb forward during the handshake to feel the other person’s vital spirit energy — the pulse.

I have had this saved in phone since it was created and it is the gift the gift that keeps on giving. I especially like to use it when people start claiming its all the poor ignorant redneck’s fault, and yet you can clearly see little difference in the addition of a college education.

If you don’t mind, I’ll just use their own non-apologies as a template:“I’m very sorry that you took it personally when I kicked you in the balls with all my might.”

White people don’t get to use the n-word, ever. How hard is that to accept?

Let’s glorify another violent narcissistic abuser who cheated on his glorified wife left and right and hit one of his sons so hard that it permanently impaired the son’s hearing in one ear. That’s gonna show them blacks! /s

Came just for this comment. And it’s not even that LeVar is angry, he’s disappointed, and I think that would hurt me more.

I worked on doing this about a year ago but couldn’t get anyone interested.

Stay tuned Root Readers for more misdirection, whataboutism, defection and shit that has absolutely fucking nothing to do with the point of the article.

> How does every white woman know this quote?

You got it all wrong. Bette got it wrong. These days it’s completely different. White men are the new n——rs of this world. Just ask Tucker Carlson. Or Chuck Grassley. Or Brett Kavanaugh. Or Mitch McConnell. The disrespect they have to go through, it’s unfathomable.

White people really think they’re being so fucking profound when the reference that tired-ass, offensive quote.

Because White people love the Beatles and Jon Lennon and Yoko even though Lennon was an abusive creep and the Beatles had at least one song about murdering a woman if she left him.

That quote has been offensive for over 40 years. How can she still not understand it’s meaning?

Remember, if only white women were allowed to vote...Donald Trump would still be president, Brett Kavanaugh would still be on the Supreme Court, and a child molester from Alabama would be in the Senate.

Wesley Morris’ NYT Mag article seems to have animated the “anti pc bros” who brought out capes for Midler after she doubled down by quoting Yoko Ono. They tried to credit the genius of John Lennon and gaslight black women as irrational philistines. Exposing white privilege yet again.

That might be the worst non-apology I’ve seen all year, and this year has been a high bar for fuckery.

The word is offensive. The word is loaded. The word is not edgy and not used to make comparisons. The word is a weapon and continues to be welded as such. You want to call out the mess that is this nomination process and its glaring affect upon rape culture? Look at your own Ms. Midler. Because their are plenty of

Why is he not selling these immediately? I would put one in everyone’s stocking this Christmas.