
Who is the Lorax looking dude on the right?

I have been saying that what’s frustrating about the Mueller probe is that Mueller really cannot (and should not) play in the media. He can make calculated decisions that will play well in the news cycle, but he has to appear impartial in order to maintain the credibility of his investigation and uphold justice for

So far, Michael Avenatti, has been right about everything. Trump’s legal team seems to come from the sale rack at Walmart. They haven’t seen anything like Avenatti. He’s been televising his punches and they still don’t see them coming.

I just came here to say that I would like to bang the shit out of Stormy Daniels’ hot lawyer. That is all.

Michael really is easy on the eyes, isn’t he? Sometimes, the universe just knows you need a mood booster.

I never want the Stormy Daniels thing to end, because that would mean less Avenatti on teevee.

When all this is over I hope Sarah Huckster Sanders is unemployable forever.

Combine that with the fact that well paying ‘entry level’ jobs require three years of experience to even be considered push recent grads into the pool of applicants for service and retail jobs which push out those without a college degree.

My suspicion is that he cashes in the work he’s done at some Koch-backed consulting firm. After a few years of the Republican Party eating itself during and in the aftermath of Trump, he’ll re-emerge as a “refreshing return to sober professionalism” and “true conservatism for the Republican Party.”*

Well, he’s vested his government pension, so he’s got #3 already secured.

LOL all the flagged comments. There are some truly butthurt republican trolls out there. But yes. Don’t assume victory. Donate. Vote. Get involved. Don’t let fascism endure in our time, in our country. Your grandparents and great grandparents didn’t die in a god damn war for a bunch of nazis to take over their home

All these resignations are an excellent demonstration and distillation of the GOP’s motto: “Fuck you, I got mine.” Pass a huge tax law to siphon money from the poor, cash in, then bail.

Please don’t make me get a Twitter account. It’s a vile shithole that serves no use to mankind except making me go “maybe we do deserve to all die in a nuclear holocaust”.

I’m curious to know what Laura Ingrawhatever thinks the educational and/or IQ level is of her average viewer? Her audience is probably a pack of drooling stable geniuses.

WHAT THE FUUUUUUUUUUU - (ERROR: not enough Us in the world)

““There’s a special place in hell for people who prey on children,” Ivanka Trump said on Wednesday.”

I know there are worse people in this administration but GODDAMNIT I HATE BOTH OF THEIR FACES

Why steal from a bank when we can just take it straight out of the printer.

“There’s a special place in hell for people who prey on children,” Ivanka Trump said...”

Let’s have an Indictment Advent Calendar. Every few days, we get to open a wonderful treat from Mueller Claus.