
I like that Savannah Guthrie, the 42-year old magna cum laude Georgetown Law graduate who was recently engaged, was the one to do this interview. You can see that she's barely able to contain her annoyance with this woman.

Lupita can have EVERY cover as far as I'm concerned.

Yay, there are more! I shipped those two SO HARD.

Since Shakira's boyfriend has such high standards for her, I imagine he stays at home every night and doesn't go out partying after a game since he's her property too (using his logic).

Yesss. Everything you just said. I love Jennifer Lawrence, especially interviews where they let her be silly, but I didn't think her role in AH was Oscar-worthy.

I know. I was "well, go big or go dollar store." They committed, at least.

Obviously stealing is wrong, but I have to admit there's always a part of me that's genuinely impressed when people get away with thievery at this magnitude. (Well, they were caught, but got away with it for a long while.)

M'aam is that a Furby up your skirt or?….

She's glad she didn't win too.

Now playing

I like Kesha well enough until I saw her video for Blow, and realized that she's kind of trolling everyone (which made me love her, of course). I could never bring myself to add the $ when typing her name though, so I'm glad for the change. I hope her recovery goes well!

It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a starlet in possession of a good face and figure must be in want of good sense.

It'll become it's own college course!

In what bankrupt world are they only paying her $1 mil for this? This book is going to be the Catcher in the Rye of its time. People are going to be carving it into monument walls. I may even have it quoted on my tombstone. Fucking Philistines! You have no idea about real art, I tell you, no goddamn idea!


I feel like they watched the ep and were like, "Hmmm....this isn't our best...not enough Escandalo. How do we keep from losing viewers without reshooting too much?" Then a genius says, "Shirtless Jake!"

I'm glad I'm not the only one who was disappointed in this episode...

I love Mellie and all, but that kiss with Jon Tenney was THE WORST. No chemistry. No heat. Weird lip placement.

Making the first mass produced home computer, making the first commercial computer with a GUI, buying and developing Pixar, revolutionizing the music industry, revolutionizing the cell phone industry...nope no Genius here...just a boss with a couple of cool products...